They would probably tell you but I'd guess they don't since most restaurants don't want to waste the money on buying tests
I love ur avatar....ooohhh Flo. Anyway OP- I work club and private security now, but growing up all I worked was restaurants. Most will not dt unless u try and claim workman's comp. Plus in my experience most people in the food industry smoke.. Good luck with Tha job
this is a old post but i work for bonefish and they dont drug test unless u hurt your self and need workmans comp.
So yall, ive stopped smoking for 2-3 days after a few week tbreaks. And i did an at home thc test and passed last night just by pissing clear. im sitting in the clinic, i took 2 asprin 4 hours ago, prolly went threw 2 gallons of water or cranberry juice, took 2 bvitamin complex suppliments, and within the hour of me getting here 2 red bulls. I pissed a good tint of neon and was pissing every 15 minutes i was waiting. Now im waiting for time to tell.
-Aspirin doesn't do anything. Long ago it used to be able to confuse tests, but they have fixed that. -2 gallons of water/juice is way to excessive. You have a good chance of getting a dilute result and, either failing the test or being forced to retake it. -good luck