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Drug test

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by biscuitduke, May 3, 2016.

  1. - weight: 215lbs
    - height: 5'9"
    - build (skinny, average, overweight): average
    - amount of physical activity: weight lifting 3x a week
    - date of drug test: less that 48hrs
    - date of last time smoke: I took 1 baby hit off an extremely small bong on April 9th, but the last full blown sesh I had was on March 20th
    - frequency of smoking (last 30 days) That one baby hit is the only time I smoked in the last 30 days
    - any other info that may help: Before that I used to be a pretty heavy smoker, smoking several times a week. Around February I started doing it less, about once every one-two weeks until I had my first drug test on March 31st and failed. I was thinking of getting those same day detox since it worked for me one time and I had literally smoked the day before my test. The thing is that this is a DoD drug test so I want to be sure.
  2. You are pretty chubby and thc sticks to fat s it will be pretty tough. Use fake pee

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  3. I'm not sure I'd just immediately conclude this person is They mentioned an average build and weight lifting 3x/week. I'll bet it's more muscle that makes up the weight, not fat. Regardless, I think you should be good man. If you only had one baby hit in 30 days. If you're super concerned I know they sell at home cannabis drug tests at the dollar store, and possibly slightly higher quality ones at a drugstore. You could try to find one of those tonight to ease your mind. But I think you've waited enough time for the THC to leave your system.

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  4. Alright... so usually I am a frequent smoker when I am not at school for a sport I play. When I'm at school I don't usually smoke because I do not want to risk failing a drug test. But recently since it's the end of the year, I have gotten high. So I smoked a blunt with 2 other friends 10 days before the drug test and then I ate a little chunk of tincture 4 days later... so 6 days before the test. I'm a 6'2" 200lb guy who sweats a ton and works out at least 5 times a week. I worked out the next day after I first smoked and 2 days following and then after I ate the tincture I worked out at least 3-4 times before the test. Also, the night before the test I drank a crazy amount of water. Then the next morning I ran before class, drank green, and more water. Long story short, I drank a 32oz bottle of Gatorade with certo, a vitamin b12 and zinc. Several hours after the test I bought an at home test and I passed it. I'm just really worried about this because I could get kicked off the team for this. Lastly, I am new to this website so I really don't understand how this works. Any insight will be extremely helpful. Thanks!
  5. If I was a mod the first thing I'd do is delete ALL of these drug test threads.

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