Drug test through Advanced Drug Detection tomorrow!

Discussion in 'General' started by cABRIANNAt, Oct 4, 2011.

  1. I'm a pretty regular smoker. The last time I smoked was the Sunday. I wasn't expecting to get a call back from this job but they called me yesterday and now I have a drug test tomorrow for it. I've been researching what to do all night and day. I've passed home drug tests by diluting it but to my knowlegde if you do that with tests like these they won't accept it. I just need advice from people who ACTUALLY know what they're talking about. I've read some pretty idiotic comments on others' forums like using dog piss or apple juice instead, I don't want any of that stupid shit.

    So far I'm going to try:

    1. Drinking hella water today, not too much before the drug test tomorrow though so I don't dilute it too much.
    2. Taking vitamine b pills for color just in case
    3. I read a teaspoon of honey every half hour or so helps?
    4. Should I exercise today or am I just wasting my time?
    5. I read that eating a lot of red meat will raise your creatine levels so they don't think you tried diluting it.
    6. Certo maybe?
    7. Energy drink before?
  2. I hate to break it to you but i don't think you'll pass with your own urine. Synthetic sounds like your only option
  3. You're fucked.
  4. You will not pass with any of the methods you listed.

    Your absolute best bet is to go to GNC and buy a "detox" drink. "Detox" because it doesn't actually detox you, it just masks the 'bad' stuff in your urine for a set amount of time. My brother had good luck, multiple times, with the QCarbo32 brand. It's expensive however, and you have to follow the instructions exactly.
  5. I'm looking for a new job and drug screening is definite possibility in my near future. I didn't know I would be losing my job of eight years yesterday (forced out by new management with a lot of others, I walked out, horrible horrible job) so I didn't have time to stop smoking. I am going to be using a friends piss. Never done it but it seems simple enough and I have access to it hours before any drug test would come up. Maybe you could look into that?
  6. Drink bleach, man...it works, I swear to god.

    No I'm jk...ever notice how there's always "that person" on every thread like this one who suggests drinking bleach and then everyone freaks out about how stupid that is?

    Anyways, I've never tried this, but my cousin swears by niacin.

    I have 2 friends who used someone else's piss in a pill bottle and it worked perfectly for them.

    From my experience, don't fuck around with those stupid drinks from GNC or wherever...my drug test came up "inconclusive" with that.

    On second thought, if you become really desperate, use one, take your test, stop smoking while you wait for your results to come back inconclusive (took 3 weeks for mine), then piss clean on the retest. It'll take longer for you to get the job, though.

    There's really no good answer to how to pass a drug test that's tomorrow. I just started looking for a job and I'm not gonna smoke til I have one.

  7. Lol, that's EXACTLY why I said I need people who know what they're talking about. And just telling me "you're fucked" doesn't help either. Thanks for your help...It's so frustrating. Some people swear by those detox drinks...other's tell me not to waste my money. They've worked for me once, but that was just a home test. I really don't know anyone clean that would pee for me sadly...I'm going to keep looking. But I'm going to GNC to buy a detox again just in case I can't find someone in time and then just pray to Ka it works, or what you said happens. I hope I live to see the day when we can all look back and laugh that we had to take drug tests for marijuana.
  8. if you end up using someone elses piss try using a condom it will keep it body temperature and its easy to put a hole in it with a pin
  9. First they forgot to send my test to the doctor. So I went through training and everything waiting for the results to come back. And I just got notified today that I showed up positive for marijuana. I tired using a cleanser called Omni something. It only works for home drug tests obviously. I should have used someone else's piss...
  10. lol ur fucked
  11. get someone elses PIssaA
  12. oh i didn't even read the post above me, you lost the game pal
  13. What do you like to do, what are you good at, has to be some kinda business you can start and offer of yourself to make a few bucks

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