Drug test question..no idea where else to post this..

Discussion in 'General' started by dr.acula, Oct 9, 2013.

  1. Sorry if this is the wrong place, long time lurker first time poster. I'll get to the point. I'm about 6"2, 210-220 pounds. I smoked a dime over several days about 20 or so days ago. Now this has been my first time smoking in about 2 years. Anyways I get a call from my cousin asking me to work with him, suddenly i got to pass a test tomorrow. 
    More details: The dime was mid, not anything fancy. We'll just say i started on it monday. Not even a whole joint then. The next day another half a joint or so. Finally wednesday i smoked the rest of it, a skimpy joint left (this is a rough estimate.) Wednesday was the last day, about 20 days ago give or take a few days. I'm not a couch potato, I have another job but it isn't physically demanding so i wouldn't say ive worked out since then, but i haven't been just sitting around the whole time. I've been drinking water, pissing clear now, but i don't want to overdo it.
    Also, if this helps. I do drink alcohol regularly. Not like every day but every weekend. Sunday in particular I drank a little more than I should have, threw up that night and most of the next day. If this information is needed at all.
    I've looked around this website, google, etc. I keep getting mixed answers. "Heavy" smokers 45 days some say. 30 days others say. This isn't really a thread about asking how to pass it, just if i can or should i try to put it off. Also, I do take prozac and ambien. Which i think has caused me to fail a cheap drug test before. They told me to bring my bottles in to prove I am prescribed it, and without further question gave me the job.
    Any help will be greatly appreciated. Its not so much me getting the job, as it is making my cousin look bad.

  2. Your good

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