Discussion in 'General' started by Cannabis420life, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. Hey guys. New here, finally joined after a year of reading these boards. I really need opinions.

    I got on Probation last year in August. I have Probation until May of this year.

    I get drug tested like once a month. My probation officer is very relaxed.

    I admitted I smoked before a test in november, and she let it pass because I was honest.

    I quit until a few weeks ago, smoked right after my test. I smoked 3 days in a row about 2 hits each time. Then I waited and tested at home. I passed the home THC test within 3 days time. So I smoke again 3 days in a row 2 hits each time. Wait 2 days, and yep... PASSED. So now heres where things get trickey, Ive smoked the last 3 days in a row 2-4 hits each time. I still got more of this gram left, and kinda feel like smoking today but know I shouldent.

    So.. Do you think Im good to finish the gram and pass my next test? It is exactly 2 weeks from now.... i got a bunch of home tests.

    Thanks for the long read... Keep toking!!!:smoking:
  2. what you do is, get a gerber jar (baby food), fill it with clean piss, wear a tight underwear, and put the gerber jar behind your sack. when you do the piss test, the jar will be warm, and ready to go.
  3. I already did the quickfix routine back in october. I sewed a pouch with the quickfix to my boxers, they watched me take the test and I passed... but idk its really risky and makes me nervous as shit
  4. Can't make you any more nervous than having a Marine Staff Sergeant standing four inches away from you staring straight at your dick. I had pretty bad nervous bladder in the first place but fuck.

    Fucker was talking to me trying help me relax. Just made it worse.

    "So, where you from?"
    "Cool, my fiancee is from Ft. Worth."
    "Hey, congradu-"
    "Hurry up."

  5. hahahahahaha... can somebody answer my question please
  6. If you have two weeks you SHOULD be clean as in takes around 10 days to flush but at the same time it is a risk man
    Good luck happy toking

  7. So I'm curious; if you were in my position would you smoke today or wait?
  8. I'd smoke if I were you. Especially if you're a skinny guy. And if you are still worried I would try to get some exercise on a couple days in between. I know lifelong/everyday smokers that pass after two weeks of stopping so you should be cleared pretty easy. Toke up and relax man.
  9. Personally I wouldn't better save than sorry if you'd get into more trouble if your caught.
    Either way I'm sure you'll be fine
  10. Seriously, dankest post ive seen thanks alot man
  11. dude, you gotta get your shit together
  12. Yeah but as long as I can pass the test.. Why not smoke?
  13. [quote name='"Cannabis420life"']Yeah but as long as I can pass the test.. Why not smoke?[/quote]

    Exactly, I've even heard of people passing that only smoke like once or twice a week that have been tested like 3 days later. Just don't smoke like over like 3 grams and you'll be fine. My buddy is on probation and he still smokes all the time and he always passes.
  14. really? Telling him to smoke? Don't be stupid. Do you realize how fucked you are if you piss positive? Why would you risk it...
  15. [quote name='"daltonmc"']really? Telling him to smoke? Don't be stupid. Do you realize how fucked you are if you piss positive? Why would you risk it...[/quote]

    Because he said he has two weeks, I don't think smoking less than a gram is going to make you fail a test that is two weeks away.
  16. Yeah i know it's stupid but based on how fast it's been getting out of my body I smoked... So worth it and don't regret it I'm sure ill still pass. Just gotta be more careful next month

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