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Drug Dealer Time

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Jeebus420, Dec 6, 2011.

  1. k so im sure you all know how drug dealers can be. they are always late! for example.. the other day I called up my dude and asked if he could run an O over. "sure, just gotta run home quick n ill be there" bout every half hour we texted him to check in and there was another thing he had to finish doing before he could run it over. Eventually, about 2 hours later he arrived. haha it doesn't bother me, i was in no rush.. just find it funny that dealers are never on time.. we call it Drug dealer time.

    while im at it.. another funny story about the same pickup.. My dealer is a goodhearted dude.. but hangs with some shifty motherfuckers.. one kid pulled a knife on two kids from my school for $200.. so we called him up and we asked if he had anyone with him. he said "uhh, it doesnt matter just come meet me." so.. we grabbed... protection and head out to meet him.. we had 3 people.. so we were hopin we'd be aight. He pulled up and we walked over to the passenger door and he saw us n was like "Oh shit i thought you guys were gonna rob me, hop in!" hahaha funniest thing thats ever happened to us.. we were both stressin that we were gonna get robbed.
  2. hahahaha thats sooo funny!
  3. hahaha can never be to careful ay!
  4. doesnt seem right that you and your dealer seem to have been acquainted for a while are both clearly scared of getting robbed.


    are you and or your dealer by any chance african american, latino?
  5. I imagine shit could get hectic at times. Just tell ya "Half hour" to get your ass of the phone while they handle shit.
    I go to my dealer place now. Anytime I please. But It does suck when you can't do that.

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