What're your favorite drug books? This includes books about drugs, books written under the influence of drugs, or both. I love One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, which doesn't really mention drugs but parts of it were written while tripping, its companion book The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, and of course, Naked Lunch.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Requiem for a Dream Those are the only two that I have read but both were really good books and have sweet movies made after them as well.
Dude, Requiem for a Dream is a great movie but reading the book gave me a fucking headache. For anyone who hasn't picked it up yet, the writer, though good, doesn't use any form of puncuation. he doesn't use quotation marks, periods, comma's, or anything. So, unless you see the movie, you odn't know when a character is speaking. He barely uses new paragraphs. It's literally just words piled onto a page. It's a pain in the ass, and not good for reading when you're just passing time, it's a chore to attempt to read.
I'm in the middle of Electric Koolaid acid test right now, and am highly enjoying it. I find that if i spend an hour or two reading it, when I come back to the real world, i'm a little loose in the head.
u mean like a how to book cuz my fav is a book i "acquired" called the grow bible its sweet its an e book
the iluninatus! trilogy or hell anything by robert anton wilson. the three stigmata of palmer eldritch by philip k dick!
don't forget books like Valis, Divine Invasion, A Scanner Darkly by PK Dick. They're more of a metaphysical/religious exploration but it fits right in. PiHKAL and TiHKAL by Alexander & Ann Shulgin are also essential reading. i'll have to look at my shelves when i get home if there are anymore that haven't been said.
confessions of a dope dealer mostly college kid some younger a large segment about him in high school and towards the end he picks buds for a big grower, he sells pot acid mushrooms and MDA throughout the book and goes to dead shows, it's an awesome book, written pretty well too