Drug/alcohol class

Discussion in 'General' started by plants2fresh, Mar 16, 2013.

  1. Sitting here in a class for probation and the instructor just said "marijuana makes you stupid, if you're gonna smoke the grass you might as well smoke crack or meth."

    How do these fucking morons get these jobs?! He has never had a sip of alcohol or tried a drug, how can he tell me how marijuana affects me when he has never experienced it.

    It's fuckin pissing me off.
  2. Just get through it dude , just act like your listening. I had to take one of those too, I didn't agree with everything they said either
  3. But why smoke crack or meth when you can smoke grass?
  4. I know, it just bothers me that these people are so ignorant.

    I couldn't stop laughing when he said it. He's just brainwashed. Only one more class and I'm done!

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