Dropped My Bud In The Store..

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by kushmonsta, Apr 19, 2012.

  1. #1 kushmonsta, Apr 19, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 19, 2012
    So it was a regular sunny blazed up day, my friends and I walking around enjoying the air. I started to get thirsty so we stopped by this huge asian grocery market that sells these cheap honey milk tea drinks. As I was purchasing my drink I reached into my pocket to grab my change, and as I pulled my hand out the mini container I was keeping my weed in fell out. It proceeded to roll across the table (it was circular). I tried to grab it and motioned towards it, but it fell onto the floor and bounced around a little behind the cashiers counter. Thank god the case didn't open, but it sure stank the place up. I was stoned at the time and just blazed too, and It smelt dank to me, imagine the sober people.. Anyways I just asked the lady if she could grab my "case" for me, and she just picked it up and gave it to me. I paid and left, while all my friends burst out laughing.

    As it was falling I had this fear that the case was going to burst open when it hit the ground, and my ground up weed would be all over the floor.. that would have been awkward.
  2. sounds like something that would happen to me dude haha. i almost has...
  3. i did that once while tryin to pay for something...forgot i had a nick o bud in my pocket...pulled it out then put it inj my pocket real quick...didn't act like anything happend..

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