drip irrigation in soil system

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by MJ455, Oct 24, 2006.

  1. Ok lets see, I'm by far not new here but still new to growing, I had my first plant (tester plant) grow really crappy and turn out to be a Male. I have been looking into different ways to make my grow box better and stumbled appon drip irrigation systems. Where a watering tube is placed into the soil and releases a little water through small holes placed along the tube.

    I guess my question is If i use a Soil system for the plants, and setup a drip irrigation system in the soil, do you think it will over water the plant?

    I was thining about setting it up like this:

    Bucket with hole in bottom, connect plastic tube to bottom of the bucket.
    The tube runs into the box and connects to the side of the planter.
    The rest of the tube then wraps around the base of the plant.
    small holes are placed on the tube (part that wraps around the plant)
    When water is needed The Bucket is placed on top of the box (gravity doese the work)
    When done the bucket is placed on the floor.

    Do you think that the plant will get too much water? and should i also mist the leaves with a spray bottle? :smoking:
  2. Your plan is basically sound, but your question is, pardon me...dumb.

    Will the plants get too much water? Yes, if you put too much in the reservoir. The amount of water the plants get is up to you, whether you use a computerized irrigation system, homegrown rig, or a watering can. Don't give them too much water and they won't get over-watered.

    You will need to experiment with your rig at first to find out what is the "right" amount for your grow. Measure how much you put in that gets the pots starting to drip out the bottom, and that is about the right amount to put in. This amount may need to be adjusted throughout your grow, though, as the plants get bigger and you switch from veg to flower.
  3. I have used a timer operated valve connected to the mains water supply that switches the flow on for a preset time at a preset time.

    It keeps the girls alive if I have to go on vacation, but I don´t really like using it, as it delivers chlorinated water, and I have no way of addding ferts.
  4. Look at these: linky and linky.

    How much water goes in is still up to the grower.
  5. sounds like a good plan.
  6. Good links toasty, but my girls were taking 8 litres a day each this summer. Those reservoirs were way too small unfortunately.

    Hey, maybe I could adapt a water butt.

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