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Drink Question...

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by gumb0, Dec 9, 2008.

  1. #1 gumb0, Dec 9, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 9, 2008
    Hey all,

    I have about a gram of ground up bud and i need an easy drinkable recipe for it. When I say "easy", i mean, no alcohol, no intense cooking, and no complicated ingredients (i don't have a lot of stuff in the house now. I don't really care about taste.

    Could I maybe boil some water and then pour it into a cup of the bud with some milk?

    I want to leave the but out of the cooking process if possible. I'm a newbie to edibles and drinkables and I live with parents.

  2. put a glass of milk in the microwave for a minute and 1/2...then put in ur grounded up buds...stir....strain if u want(dont have to)...put in fridge to cool(warm milk = shitty)..add some chocolate syrup if u want(tastes better) drink up and enjoy...
  3. What do you want to do?
    Might as well just smoke it.
  4. i've tried this and it didn't work. make sure you research anything to make sure its not going to be a waste before you try it. i may have done it wrong but idk
  5. u might not have heated the milk enough/used enough weed/ been patient could take up to an hr or hr nd 1/2 to kick in...but wen it does...boy does it kick in
  6. I guess it just kinda comes down to trial and error. Its a damn shame that error = wasted bud though. Any other ideas?

    Does the bud have to "cook" in intense heat or can it just sit in boiling water for awhile? I read that THC is fat soluble or something so I'm assuming I'd have to add some oil or milk in there at some point.

    I just don't want my mom seeing me boiling pot in water/milk/oil on the stove or in the microwave. Plus I'm lazy.
  7. I've simmered the weed on low with olive oil to extract the thc out of it and then poured the thc infested oil into my pot of english tea. It was great, and I was blasted for a good 1.5 hrs.
  8. Okay so I have this idea...

    Put a little bud and some olive oil in a spoon, then heat it up in the spoon with a lighter (kinda heroin-like but whatever, i'm going for stealth), then after it gets good and cooked, add it to some iced tea.

    Any thoughts/rejections? Am I being retarded? Please help.
  9. Use about 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Put it in a small pot and bring it to a low simmer on your stove. Once it's simmering, pour in your weed. Mix it around for about 10 minutes. When you're done, pour it out into a shot glass and let it cool in your refrigerator for about 10 minutes. Once it's cooled to the point where you can drink it, take the shot. If you want, you can strain out the plant matter, but it's really not that much and it doesn't bother me at all when I do this. I doesn't taste that bad, but just have another drink handy as it's hard to wash down all the oil in one gulp. I've done this before with about 1.5g's, and it took about an hour and a half for me to start feeling it, and the high itself lasted for about two hours.
  10. Why don't you just prep a bunch of edible stuff while the rents aren't home? Then you can just eat it whenever you want.
  11. Thanks for the tip, I'll try it when I get a chance. What was the high like at the peak?
  12. That's another option, but I wanted to get high tonight lol :p
  13. Never made a drink but that'd be an awesome way to get high. Bout to kill a bowl.

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