Dream interpretation?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Darkeligos, Apr 3, 2010.

  1. Does anyone else like to try and look up their dreams meanings? I had the most powerful dream last night but haven't been able to find anyone else or any meaning to what it was about on the internet. Anyone mind giving a shot at it?

    The main part of the dream was me looking up in the sky in my back yard and it being filled with airplanes and jets of all kinds flying in one direction; North I believe. It was almost like the world was ending Southward and everyone packed as many people as they could into as many planes as they could find and sent them flying. It felt so real and dramatic. Low flying planes, high flying planes, all in a giant deafening pack. It was horrifying and awe inspiring.

    I haven't had a dream that powerful in a long time, just hoping I'm not missing something. Thanks. :wave:

  2. my opinion.. you have to interpret your dreams yourself.
    your dreams come from your subconscious. so if they ARE a message, they are created from what you have come across in life. i haven't read many online interpretation, but it doesn't seem a logical route.
    also, i don't think all or even most of your dreams are messages (worth interpreting at least..meaning the message has no significance to your life's course)

    and wait... they were flying north or south??
  3. Maybe the planes are joints, they are full (as in they are big fatties) and everyone in the world is getting high on them but you can't because of an upcoming drug test of something?

    Are you on a smoke break and all your friends are getting extraordinarily good shit, but you can't partake?

    I think it's totally pointless in trying to interpret them by yourself or with a stranger. I think the interpreter would have to know you personally, know other things that are going on in your life.

    Because if it has a message, then it's your subconscious trying to tell you something. And it's something you know in your subconscious, but you consciously are unaware of. It probably means you are in denial about the message. And if you are in denial about it, then you aren't ever going to see it and accept it in your own dream or if some stranger just guesses it.

    So the casual observer might say that that dreams seems like you feel like the whole world is leaving you behind. Like there is a change going on it the world and you feel like you didn't get the memo.

    But someone who knows you might say that it's clearly that you've always wished to become a pilot and that you are reaching the age where your dream is getting out of reach.

    The fact that you say the impression you had inside the dream was "it was like the world was ending" and that if felt like "everyone packed as many people as they could", it indicates that although you probably couldn't see that the planes were full, it was acknowledged or understood as being the planes full of everyone in the world but you.

    Is there somewhere you feel everyone in the world is going that you can't go?

    Is there somewhere you would rather be?

    Do you feel trapped in something or doing something you don't want to do?

    Someone recently leave your life?

    Are you a religious person? Could everyone else be going somewhere that you won't get to go because you aren't living right?

    This is why dream interpretation is meaningless except with a trusted friend or psychologist that you have spoken to for a while.

    Somebody who truly knows you wouldn't have to ask such random questions. They'd probably know exactly what's going on as soon as you tell them the dream.

    Dreams aren't concrete. What the airplane in my dream last night meant isn't necessarily the same as the airplane in your dream. And the airplane in your dream tomorrow might not mean the same thing as the airplane in your own dream yesterday.

    Dreams are more elusive and enigmatic than that. It's more about a general meaning than rigorous symbolism.

    And so somebody with an insight into your life might be able to tell you what symbolism about yourself probably means.

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