Dramamine (not smoking)

Discussion in 'Clubs, DJ’s and Festivals' started by JurkeBones, Sep 11, 2021.

  1. I’m planning a trip to the local fair with friends, but can’t deal with rides without Dramamine, and was wondering if anybody knows if weed will mess up it actually working. Fuck you jebronies that smoke Dramamine so I can’t find a thread with actual info
  2. Wont mess it up but can make you lethargic or tired
  3. So like hit up an energy drink? Nice to know, thank you
  4. If needed. Might not effect you the same as it can others.
  5. Sick. Thanks for the info, I hope other queasy boys like me can use this revelation
  6. Thats why I responded . Inner ear issues for me so Took dramamine an hr ago. And an edible now lol
  7. Fuck yeah get in there brother

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