Dr. Phil is a piece of SHIT

Discussion in 'General' started by Revolution, Apr 8, 2009.

  1. The "Dangerous Teenage Habits" episode was on again. Its the one where he talks about drug use, specifically salvia. Now this episode pissed me off the first time for obvious reasons. Very biased view and Dr. Phil is a douche. Now I caugt a few minutes of it and something new pissed me off. It was the audience. They gasped and gawked at the thought of drug use. They ate up Dr. Phil's bullshit like it was spoon fed to them. These people make up and try to run society. I couldn't help but feel disconnected from them all. But I cherished that feeling. I am not a part of them. I function outside of society. I seek the truth myself, I don't rely on spoon-fed lies to form my opinion for me. Yet I feel bad for all of those who will continue living life spoon fed. I wish I could free them all.

  2. Yea I second that. There was a douche thread floating around here and I do believe his pic was in it.
  3. I'd say don't watch tv :rolleyes:

    BUT LOL. he is a douche. he looks like one too.
  4. 'freeeee browniesss everyoneeeee!!!'

  5. Excellent solution, get em all stoned.... Then make them take drug tests!!! Drug tests for all! What's that Mr. Patterson, you failed, sorry no job for you, we only accept upstanding citizens.
  6. And on top of all this, he makes all other men look bad.
  7. Oprah made him a star. Figures.
  8. My mom used to watch that and would get paranoid about everything he would say. Like she would ask me if I was going out with friends to choking parties and stuff. It was some embarrassing shit when I was around friends.
    • Funny Funny x 1

  9. lol *Sigh* The Media, it's not "will someone please save the children" anymore, it's The media is corrupting the minds of parents, oh someone PLEASE THINK OF THE PARENTS.

  10. Ha, choking parties... that is epic, darn middle schoolers giving actual drug users a bad name.

    I can see it now, Jeff Spicoli hops out of the water, turns to the camera man and says:

    "Duuude, choking is hardly a hobby. Its a way of looking at that noose and saying, hey bud lets party"
  11. #11 garrison68, Apr 8, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 8, 2009

    "Choking parties and stuff", :D!!!!!

    Edit: Indica Kid, above, beat me to it, lol.
  12. Really?
    I check Oprah a few times a week while smoking a nice joint at the shop.
    But That Dr Phil, damn.. He's always bullshitting about everything.. I always picture him without that suit and another outfit, he looks like a farmer I think.. if you imagine him without his fancy ''I can afford it'' 5000dollar suit.

  13. :laughing:
  14. Operah is an amazing person. No i do not watch her, i am just aware of her benevolence and i respect her for it.

    Now... Dr. Phil... I hate that motherfucker with every bit of strength i have in me. He is going to hell. He believes he is helping people, but in reality he is exploiting them. And he thinks hes the smartest motherfucker in the world because his drone brainwashed audience backs up everything he says. I hate that little prick so much i just might actually jump on his foot and run away.
  15. Hah, i remember watching that a while back and thinking "damn, salvia? legal hallucinagin? where can i buy that?" I always loved how those type of shows just give people ideas.
  16. Exploitattttion
    Buffalo got it spot on.
  17. Damn I hate that so much. This doesn't need more national attention, it's just going to hasten the process of nationwide prohibition. No one wants that except Dr. Phil or so we think at home he's probably tripping balls on that shit, He's such a douche about it because he had a bad trip where his biased propaganda didn't effect millions of Americans.
  18. God, I hate doctor Phil. Someone should kidnap him and sell him into the sex slave industry.

  19. Ew... dr phil having sex? I just threw up in my mouth a little bit...
  20. Just think of Dr. Phil bondage'd out fucking Elton John in the ass, that should help with your vomiting and such :rolleyes:

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