Dr Hornsbys Sweet Leaf

Discussion in 'Advanced Growing Techniques' started by scary visionary, Sep 14, 2007.

  1. i got a bottle of dr horsnbys sweet leaf by advanced nutrients, im gonna use it in the ground outdoors...
    this stuff is supposed to be the bomb...
    time will tell...
  2. Its the same thing as Molasses, available at any grocery store for $3. I bet you paid $20+.
  3. actually its a mix of raw cane extract,high grade molasses,corn syrup,grape extract,cranberry extract, yeast extracts containing B1,B2,B3,B5,B6,B7,B12,Thiamine, Riboflavin, Pyridoxine, L-Glycine, L-Alanine, L-Valenine, L-Leucine, L-Isolucine,L-Serine, L-Theonnine, L-Arpartic Acid, L-Glutamic Acid, L-Asparagine, L-Glutamine,L-Lysine, L-Argenine, L-Histidine, L-Cyseine,LCystine, L-Methionone, L-Proline, L-Phenylalanine, L-Tyrosine, L-Tryophan,Sulfate of potash, Citric Acid, Absorbic Acid and last but not least Vocanic Ash....

    i think the folks at avanced nutrients know a little bit more about phenolic and terpenoid componds than you, if you even know wtf im talking about...
  4. I think what he meant was it will give you very similar results to molasses. I've used both, molasses and sweet leaf. Sweet leaf was slightly different but not worth the extra cost IMO. If it is for a small personal grow, the go for it. On a commercial scale it is too expensive and easily replaced by molasses.

    Either way- all is good :)
  5. i used it only two days ago and i have already smelled a difference...
    smells of orange candy-loli-pops berries and cherries...
    simply amazing so far,and in just two days time...
  6. Dude u could have just used mollasses and it would have did the same thing. But not make it smell like a chemical agent that makes it smell like orange "lolipops". If you would have put mollasses in there it would have made the plant stink like its intended too. Your just going to have to flush all that stuff out anyway in two weeks.
  7. P.T. Barnam said it best" There is a sucker born everyday" ;)
    "Duckin'"......here it comes...lol :smoking:
  8. you have absolutely no idea what your talking about folks...this 100% organic product is just what i was looking for ...a superior taste and aroma...ill take the pepsi challenge with your shit any day of the fuckin week...
  9. Calm down dude, no one insulted the the size of your penis or anything. Sweet Leaf is a good product, no one is saying otherwise. All we are saying is that it's more expensive than molasses. Personally I will stick with molasses as it is a fraction the price of sweet leaf.

    This is the internet, not a locker room. Don't take shit so seriously. If you can't take a little criticism then don't bother posting. Just like assholes everyone also has an opinion. Just because you don't agree doesn't mean you need to go off on people.
  10. it must have been the pulp fiction quote...:D
    this is the advanced section and im all about using the best products possible...period
  11. Best for YOU,not best for everyone.

    And as far as the contents you listed, most of them are amino acids, and corn syrup, sheesh this stuff flavors soda, the vitamins are easily supplemented by a $5 bottle of superthrive, and sweatleafe has preservatives... i dont need preservatives in my bud...

    Sure the good folks at AN know a lot about what makes plants grow, that doesn't mean EVERYTHING they market is really superjuiced huge bud enhancer... they are a business.

    I'm just saying one can get very similar results, for far cheaper.
  12. It's a great product! I used it on my most recent harvest in conjunction with blackstrap molasses. (I've used just molasses before, this stuff is different) Used from first fertilizer till harvest, and it's 100% Organic. I'm convinced, cause I like smelly bushes :D. Not only did I get a WAY better aroma, but my buds were super sticky, too.

    Wrong, contains no preservatives whatsoever. It's 100% ORGANIC. Superthrive contains ingredients that mess with a plants horomone and structure, and if not used correctly will severly harm your plants.. I typically seen more deformities and hermies using superthrive. Not dissing on Superthrive, cause there is a time and place for it, like helping plants deal with different stresses. PLUS, sweetleaf is not a supplement of any kind, nor is superthrive, they are just out there to "enhance".

    First, it is not a chemical, and I wish it smelled like lolli-pops, but it smells like shit. All sweet leaf does is aid in the developement of the plants NATURAL essential resin, Therefore the plant smells like it was intended to.

    Sure, it probably isn't for everyone, but I didn't see him ask if this was a good idea for a large scale operation either. It's a great product if you care about the quality of your herb!
  13. how much mollases do you use? and how often?
  14. I use roughly 3ml-4ml per gallon, once a week.

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