dont you hate when...

Discussion in 'General' started by YouSuckDude, Nov 1, 2009.

  1. Really oh you got one of "normal jars"

  2. :(

    I need a magical jar that way the Marijuana Fairy will bring me more weed every night.

  3. this made me lol. +rep

    lol...try rollin a blunt of your old teeth and keeping it under your pillow..maybe the tooth fairy will hook you up
  4. ha too right i would hold the fairy hostage and share out the weed to ma buds actually FUCK IT it is mine
  5. Happened this morning/last night. Got home around 12, all drunk and I just wanted to pack a bong pack. Figured I saved enough for a bowl this morning. I did but what was left wasnt nearly as much as I thought there was haha. Always happens

  6. fuck yeah dude im like "alright Loserkid make sure you leave at least 1 bowl for the morning" ya know? everyone wants a bowl pack in the morning...and yeah ill wake up to like...maybe 1/4-1/2 bowl or something...always disappointing :(

    The Toothfairy already STOLE all my teeth.
  8. YESS!!! I am going through this right now.

    I ussually try and make a Q last a week now, but that doesnt happen. So I do the "Weed Calculation". "I will smoke 1 bowl, and 1 bong fill tonight, but oh fuck, Dave is coming over tomorow, so I must only smoke 1 small bowl, and 1 resin ball tonight."

    Then when the bag looks low (About 2-3 grams left), I start thinking about my work schedule, and when I can hit dude up for more. I still get the paranoid "OMG I might be out" feeling when plans dont go right.

    Looking back on what I typed........I have a problem lol.

  9. That works for me... my mom was a crappy toothfairy, she only remembered to take like half my teeth throughout my childhood

  10. It always has that shitty stale taste too. Like resin and ash, mixed with a crappy cigar paper.

  11. hahahaha....invest in an abusive boyfriend. might lose some teeth but keep your eyes on the prize....weed :)

    lolll nahhh im the same way...i dont even look at weed in grams anymore...its j ust about how many bowls i can get out of that also a grinder is the shit i used to break my weed down with my get at LEAST 2-3 more bowls per gram with a grinder.

    lol tooth blunt ftw :smoke:
  12. Lately this Midgrade diesel has been dry. The kind you just twist in between your fingers and it disintegrates.

  13. yeahhh me and my friends call it crumble weed. i dont prefer it. makes blunts burn harsher and faster and bong bowls are only like 3 hits
  14. LMFAO @ your suggestion.

  15. i do what i can to put a smile on a pretty girls face :cool:
  16. This is the reason I keep my tolerance low.

  17. im gunna move to Vancuver, BC and get me cheep ass dank BC Bud!

    to OP,

    ya i know what you mean cuz weeds pretty spendy now-a days in Washington.
  18. don't you hate it when your bong breaks and you run out of papers? now =\
  19. shit son.. apple pipe? light bulb vaporizer? knife hits? gravity bong? plastic bottle bong? take your pick! :wave:
  20. dont you hate it when you have a bowl packed and you just remembered your lighter ran out of fluid when u sparked up that bowl this morning and you dont have any matches...

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