Don't use THC farmer!

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Cjthegreat1, Oct 1, 2022.

  1. They are full of crybaby's to say the least. They got alot to say but when you straighten there ass up they run and tell hahaha. Admin is the same. They let spammers win these giveaways by spamming the forums then claim all kinds of crazy shit. Just a heads up Incase you wanna try it out. Take my word for it there is a bunch of little kid like individuals on there and they cry and run and tell if you don't agree with their every word haha. They talk all nonsense then tell once you reply to their bullshit
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  2. Yeah fuck them they are lame they banned me

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  3. Lol me too. Over others crying about me doing the same thing they were to try to win a giveaway. It's funny though really
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  4. Some fucktards thought it was cool to say some out of line shit to me and when I checked they ass I was considered the aggressive one and they ban me for just a few I ain't been back since

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  5. Lmao that's literally exactly what happened with me too. Apparently they're all about that lame ass shit. They are full of shit and literally cry baby's. One moment they're tough as shit the next moment they're crying talking about telling on you hahaha like a kindergartner
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  6. My ban up imma go back on there and say some crazy shit especially to the admin lol

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  7. Shit I didn't even know it ran out hahaha I was gonna create a new account and do the same shit haha. I bet they get that alot
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  8. Let it go friend, complaining about it isn't going to change a thing. Maybe if you were more specific I could agree with you in principle but you'd still be banned so what's the point? To be a member of a community you have to accept community standards or remain an outsider. The good thing is it's your choice.
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  9. Yeah I agree with you kinda but apparently they have no standards. When someone try's to talk down on you for doing literally the exact same thing they was doing it really shows their true colors. I'm talking about a give away and people normally get on it daily for like a checking in situation where you give advice and then you got others doing it in a spamming way. Needless to say I got accused of spamming even though I literally wasn't and the people claiming I was had some choice words they figured they would use so when I straightened their ass up they started crying like little baby's. The whole point of this post was to vent about the quality of the community I kinda see your point but I'm thinking you may of missed mine friend. Thanks for the reply though
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  10. Fuck THC Farmer imma still cry cause I can and that's people's problem this a free country last time I checked and we don't need people commenting telling us to stop complaining especially when you have the choice to just simply not comment anything at all and then get mad when that person then decides to check you have a good day people

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  11. I'm going in! Hahaha
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  12. There you go that's the right attitude. Who care what comments you make really besides the admin and like you said it is a free country so fuck em. They complain to much about their own actions
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  13. #13 paul paner, Oct 13, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2022
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  14. So somebody got mad because you won a giveaway? Like Ed says above, I wouldn’t sweat it.
  15. Well mistakes happen. I found it to be a nice platform with helpful people
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  16. ya i been a member there since 2015 i never had any issues other than recent.
    they want my add blocker turned off and the site isnt really that important for me to do so
    but there are good folks there ,same with roll it up there are good folks there you just got to weed out the scrubs
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  17. In fact thats what made me stop going there, the ad thing and some technic errors.
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