don't need weed help,just read and respond.

Discussion in 'General' started by BAkEd_ZombIe, Aug 10, 2007.

  1. well Hi gc. Its baked_zombie,most of you dont know me because i only got alittle over 100 posts. but i just want to talk about my night and why i feel like shit right now.maybe im just overreacting.

    I was a pro skateboarder about 2 years ago ,i quit since then and tonight was my first night going back to the skatepark i used to constantly frequent,we were like a tight family there. My old best friend was there and he had heard about me smoking weed now. he told this other guy that works there to. and it just felt so uncomfortable. i think it was because they were sitting around saying shit like, oh hey where have you been besides killing your brain,and Oh no offense Joe(me), but this girl just sits around and smokes pot all day.

    and i just dont get it cause weeds not like that for me. Before weed i was constantly under stress. since it ive relaxed and calm down,i dont smoke a blunt then sit on the couch no,i go out and have fun.i just hate how negative it was to them like i was the bad guy. it was the worst feeling in the world like i felt bad and i almost felt like i was wrong for smoking the herb. the vibes were so horrible,it just felt like i wasent supposed to be there.

    so i dont know if maybe im overreacting i just wanted to chat about it,so anyone want to respond itd be appreciated:wave:
  2. Some people are stubborn and closed minded. They're unwilling to change the views which have been instilled upon them by the government and society. It is these types of people who will accept a view without giving it any independant research. Are these the types of people who's views and opinions matter to you? I wouldn't have thought so.

    What really matters is how you feel about the matter, you know the affect which cannabis has on you, and you make the decision wether or not to participate in such an activity. If others are too close minded to change their views, so be it. After all; it is them who are missing out, right?

    Ignorance is bliss, so they say.
  3. That was not a nice welcome, man. If those people really thought of you as a family member, they wouldn't judge you so harshly for your choice. Maybe you could show them some scientific research that proves that marijuana doesn't "kill your brain" - it actually helps out people in many ways! Well, that's my $.02. Peace.
  4. thanks guys for the well knowledged answers and you got a point with the family thing i didnt even think about that. this is making me feel better.Keep it coming
  5. Got some sensitivity there. I understand, but alot of skateboarders smoke pot and are also part of the stoner stereotype. Just stick up for yourself whatever you do. They shouldn't be having a fit, especially if they're in their 20's. They should grow up if they are.
  6. Got some sensitivity there. I understand, but alot of skateboarders smoke pot and are also part of the stoner stereotype. Just stick up for yourself whatever you do. They shouldn't be having a fit, especially if they're in their 20's. They should grow up if they are having a fit over you smoking pot.
  7. why did u quit skating
  8. This is strange to me. Ive been skating for a long time and Ive smoked more than a couple bowls with some of the bigger names in the skating world. Since when do skaters look down on weed? Were you at one of those church sponsored skateparks or something?
  9. I hate people that are soo closed minded about weed but will not think twice about smoking a smoke, or drinking a beer and then coming up to me and saying "You know smoking weed is really harmful to your lungs and it kills all of your brain cells.". Some time I just want to say fuck you, Smokes are a drug and so is beer so think about how much harm you do to your body when you do that.

  10. i know thats what i thought too! i've seen pro's before in competitions smoking joints in circles behind ramps.but no the skatepark is public.

    and now that i think back to last night its sort of funny cause the person who said weed makes you lazy was the same person who got busted like last year for that very substance.i hope if i quit smoking i dont downview it like that.

  11. guy that was saying what have you been up to besides killing your brain was smoking cigerettes allll night.

  12. haha thats really fucked up

    if I were you id show them weed isnt bad like they may think and back it up with info showing its not bad for ya :wave:

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