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Dont have a scale any way to tell

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Sgt, Sep 29, 2009.

  1. Bought a dime bag and was just wondering is there anyway to tell how much i got without a scale? looks like a quarter wide and a quarter high pressed up in a baggy
  2. sorry but that dosent really sound like a dime. Just go to a hobby shot and get a scale you dont have to be 18 or risk everyone knowing you're a stoner
  3. It's only a dime man. You shouldn't be worrying cause you're not spending that much. Buy a scale online for like $15 if you're going to buy bigger quantities.
  4. looooooooooooooooooooool what'd you pay 10 bucks?
    not really a big deal
    walmart has like 2 dollar scales too.. go pick 1 up

  5. I just got a dime and pressed up against the baggy it is 1 1/2 inches wide and an inch in length....and it's pretty fat too. I dunno, I think I got a generous dime or something. But a quarter? Doesn't sound like a dime to me.
  6. Well if you don't have a scale my highschool math teacher used to tell us that a paper clip weighed one gram so if you're getting 1g dimers the bud should way as much as the paper clip.
  7. Thanks Brizzly :):)
  8. ^^^^
    How does that help him if he doesn't have a scale in the first place?
  9. #9 WildWill, Sep 29, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2009
  10. You're welcome.
  11. [​IMG]
    theres a dime i found on google images.
  12. Looks like some good ganja!
  13. close your eyes, count to ten and the ganja fairy will write it down for you
  14. Call me crazy but to me seeing bud compressed into a small dime baggy is a lot more appealing than 1 big ziplock.

    I know it would be a pain when buying a half like I do and maybe it's just 'cause I'm stoned but it's true.

    Reminds me of some rastafarian with just enough for a joint on some beach in the middle of the bahamas.

    If I were to guess I would say that's .25 grams. Depends how compressed the bud is, the paperclip weight thing won't tell you anything unless the bud weighs atleast a gram.

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