Don't get high anymore

Discussion in 'General' started by Cora, Dec 19, 2017.

  1. okay hi
    i've been smoking for around a year now. in the last 3 months i discovered weed like i hadnt before and went from smoking joints to bongs to clay chilllums and what not. anyway, i've recently found that i just dont get that high anymore and it takes a LOT of weed to get that high. when i started 3-4 puffs of a joint would get me thinking of an extra day after friday but now after 3-4 bong shots i barely just get into the music.

    i've been thinking to quit for a week and try again see if it helps. does that work?
    help would be appreciated
    thanks <3
  2. #2 BrewsnWeed666, Dec 19, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2017

    Make a Gravity bong & smoke through that 0.2/0.3 gets me panned & I've been smoking nearly 10 years now.
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  3. Yes it’s called a tolerance break

    Smoke less and you’ll get higher when you do
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  4. Or you can keep stepping up the game.
    All will kick it much harder then you'd like. A good edible will have you tripping your brains out I don't care how high your smoking tolerance is. LMAO>
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  5. Usually when I feel like that I take a T break. It helps cause I save a bit of money that would've been spent on weed, and then the next time I smoke I know I'll get blazed after the break. But like BrewsnWeed666 said, a gravity bong is also a good idea lol if you've never hit one of those OP, it'll definitely solve your problem of not feeling high enough
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  6. Gravity bongs still make me cough up a lung & i smoke everyday :laughing::laughing:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. excess tolerance is a bummer

    avoid toking 2 days per week to avoid this

    I prefer Tuesdays and Wednesdays

    I hate doing it

    but it pays

    good luck
  8. I haven't hit one in a while now, but it would for sure put me on my ass lol
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  9. I only smoke then couple of tines a year more into bongs blunts n joints man :laughing:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. It’s weird. I made a batch of brownies with half an O of some really good weed, ate one once they were done and even with my smoking tolerance I still got pretty blazed. Then a week later I ate 4 plus 6 grams of kratom and 2 beers and barely felt anything at all. Felt more of the kratom than I did the edibles
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  11. Did you decarb the weed before hand?
  12. I did gravity a couple of times. First few times got me baked but the recent one even though I got like super high it lasted very low. I can't really bake as I live in a dorm and all I got is a microwave
  13. Yes, the brownies were perfectly made. Got me an a friend who has a higher tolerance than me blazed for a day. People with no tolerance were absolutely blasted from halves of them.
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