Don't count on marijuana to ever being legalized on the federal level.

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by putinfanboy96, Jul 30, 2019.

  1. #1 putinfanboy96, Jul 30, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2019
    The United States is a nation founded on Protestant fanatics that left Europe to practice their cult and be racist and destroy everything and anything fun, no the pilgrims or Puritans never had or grown marijuana, if anything they probably thought marijuana was a flower of Satan or some inbred "homo erectus" levels of retarded shit.

    Let's not forget, even thought he United States is secular and has been since July 4th 1776, the mentality and atomsphere of the American culture is still built on an anti European and fundamentally Protestant culture. These are the same people that wiped out the natives and enslaved black people to pick their cotton and they hate everything fun in this world. Marijuana is illegal because of the greed and racism of Harry anslinger and William Hurst and convinced Congress that marijuana makes white women crave black cock, it wouldn't honestly suprise me if Mitch McConnell and the republicans of congress and even Trump still are anti marijuana because they think that it will turn white boys into Muslim abortion supporting gay atheist terrorist Trannies.

    We are almost at the end of the decade and it's shocking that 99% of all western nations (excluding Netherlands and Canada) still criminalize a plant that relaxes and sedates and helps your productivity and creativity. Just remember, most people don't smoke weed anyway and they still think that marijuana turns you into a retarded stoner like how Hollywood brainwashed normies to believe so. Mitch McConnell will be Senate majority for the rest of his life untill he dies in my prediction of the 2040's or 50's which alot of here may not even be around.

    Even if you had all democrats and progressives back into controlling congress and the white house, recreational marijuana will never be legalized because the pharmaceutical companies, police, politicians, and prison industries makes hundreds and hundreds of hundreds of billions of dollars per year keeping weed illegal, there is more money to be made with it being criminalized than legalizing it. The United States government has more money than previous civilization from the richest people of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Israel, persia, Greece, China, Rome, Byzantium, and all other civilizations up to this point combined in part because of criminalizing weed. Jeff bezos is a peasant compared to the United States gdp.

    The United States was seriously a disaster from the start and the proof of my assertion isn't just using racism and greed to get a simple harmless plant criminalized to this very day but also by the fact that this country was ruled and started by old rich smelly old men who didn't give two fucks about their American brothers and revolted against the British crown because they didn't like to be taxed.

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  2. Interesting take on a history that is very incomplete and has inaccuracies.
    What about the early 1600s, communities of European immigrants dotted the Eastern seaboard, including the Spanish in Florida, the British in New England and Virginia, the Dutch in New York, and the Swedes in Delaware. Some, including the Pilgrims and Puritans, came for religious freedom. Many sought greater economic opportunities. Still others, including hundreds of thousands of enslaved Africans, arrived in America against their will.

    I am getting older and have seen many attitudes shift and the start of a culture that is more acceptive. Research is just warming up and the will of the people will not be denied for much longer.

    It is good to know the history, hazards, and even the opponents, but there is still hope.

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  3. I wouldn't be surprised if trump signed federal legalization in the next 5 years.
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  4. Assuming Mitch McConnell has a soul and changes his heart on his anti marijuana crusade and tells his republican scumbags to vote yay on a federal legalization bill.

    I can see marijuana being legalized in Saudi Arabia or China or Russia before any marijuana legislation to legalize it even becomes a thought in any European nation or the United States.

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  5. The Puritans and pilgrims were Protestant cultists that caused problems in England and Europe, they we're anti European. As a matter of fact the pilgrims sailed from England to the Netherlands first, when their children were assimilating to dutch culture, the Puritans then got into the Mayflower and sailed to Massachusetts to set up a Protestant Saudi Arabia where they burn autistic women alive and create retarded superstitions and kill others over it. Religious freedom my ass, they we're anti Catholic as well, they started a revolt in Catholic colony Maryland and drove them out.

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  6. Hmm, I wonder where that Catholic community came from?
    Some of that rings true, yet it ignores all others.

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  7. Did you read that? Laws for religious tolerance. A growing resentment for not being represented, etc, etc.
    Catholics established in Maryland - why?
    Very populous too, until more immigration by the Protestants.

    It rather contradicts your OP, and only discusses part of the colonies at the time.

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  8. Oh yea that's a great idea! Give representation to a bunch of deranged Protestants that mistook seizures as a satanic posession and burned them for it.

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  9. He already said he wants it legalized on federal level,,not counting the surgeon general has already stepped in to put heat on the feds to get legalisation

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  10. You act as though there was never an Inquisition, lol.
    And you still ignore the rest of the colonies.

  11. If Trump really wanted to legalize weed he can write an executive order right now, he won't because then trumpcuck magapedes will stop supporting him.

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  12. Okay yeah, the thing to know about the Roman Catholic church is that they haven't been Catholic since they split from orthodoxy in 1054 AD, After that they turned into a bureaucracy and became the monsterously corrupt organization we know today for almost 1000 years. Their bureaucratization is how they were able to launch the crusades, have a military force, and inquisition's.

    The Roman Catholic Church isn't supposed to have a standing military or have political authority like a king, the Vatican isn't even supposed to be a sovereign country. Don't even me how the Roman Catholic church got to where it was at 1054 AD cause I don't even know how.

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  13. This may be a partial cause for the Protestants anger - In 1542 the papal Inquisition was re-established to combat Protestantism, eventually becoming an organ of papal government.

    Likely the same attitude was present in the colonies and the Catholics may not have liked the competition of the incoming Protestant migrants.

  14. Actually there is a bill on the board to be legalized in 2020 - and not so much legalized as de-scheduled
    the markets here have opened up and the feds have to get on board for financial reasons and they know it.
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  15. I know the Catholic Church was corrupt and it's still corrupt to this day, but Martin Luther made things worse than what he was trying to do, Martin luther wanted to restire the Catholic Church before when they became a bureaucracy and started having indulgences and purgatory and other shit.that wasn't even part of Nicene Christianity like orthodoxy is. When Martin Luther introduce his own doctrines of the 5 solaes and translated the Bible from Latin into the local language and allowed any ra Dom retard to read the Bible and have their own private interpretation of it, that's when all hell broke lose and its effects are permanent and are felt all over the world.

    Martin Luther is practically the reason why we we have social justice warriors and a very censoring culture of hurt feelings. The United States is the biggest result of the Protestant movement 270 years after Martin Luther lived. I guarantee you if Martin Luther had just resumed his law studies and not had done what he did, weed would still have been completely legal in all corners of the world as it had been before the 20th century.

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  16. And the Catholic church leaders would still be the only ones to know what the Bible says. Sounds rather archaic.
    Often there are many factors that effect events and there are many tales effecting those events.

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