Donating Blood Plasma For WEED MONEY!

Discussion in 'General' started by Funk-D, Apr 18, 2010.

  1. Wow, the craziest thing happened...I was at the dollar general with my friend and right across the street is some place called Talecris Plasma me being all stoned asked him what the place was. He told me it was a place where people paid you money for your blood plasma. I don't know why he never told me about it before, but he can't do it because of low blood sugar or some shit.

    Anyway I got in and just so happen to have all the required identification. So I go in do the do, and come out with 60 dollars! Not only that but you can do that shit like twice a week (two days in between) but yeah! Got me a nice four grams of good bud...and probably saved someones life my blood type is 0+ which they said was really good for whatever reason...I just wanted the money.
  2. Thats whatsup man! But dont they ask you if you smoke or something? What if they find traces of thc in your blood lol
  3. Was just gonna ask this. They did that at my high school, but everyone lied anyway and they never told the principals or anything. But I was thinking maybe it's differen't since he's over 18, and isn't at his work/school. Dunno.
  4. how long is the whole process? I heard it was like 1-2 hours..and doesn't it drain your energy?
  5. Fuck yeah man I would take that offer in a heartbeat. An 1/8th of dank just to donate blood. Are you fuckin serious? I'd be there as many times as possible lol.
  6. They didn't say anything about weed being in my blood. They tested it first...and said I was good to go...they check for like aids and shit I think. Whole process took about two hours, but the blood thing itself only took like 30-45minutes the rest of the time was them giving me a full physical to make sure I was good to go. (I won't have to do it again for another six months though.)

    I didn't feel week, well kind of not overly so just like kind of sleepy. Which went away in the time it took me to drive the five minutes to my weed dealers house, and go home with my newly acquired bag of bud...the happiness of getting the weed knocked my larthergicness right out. Especially because I was already coming to terms that because I was broke I probably wouldn't even be smoking today. Now I'm blazed as shit...I'm going back on Wednesday sure nuff.

    But yeah...drug questions were not really asked...and from the looks of it a few crack heads....were in there. And they set up shop right across from a head shop...I didn't get any questions...though I was worried about it.
  7. O is really good because any person can accept it. The plasma from your blood is not affected by weed or anything like that. I am surprised you got $60 bucks though, its usually $30-40, but nice. You can go back twice a week if you are a certain weight.
  8. #8 IwasA.Smurf, Apr 18, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 18, 2010
    I've donated blood before, I was probably high when I donated. Medic sent me a letter saying thank you, my blood type, and cholesterol levels. Just don't have Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, syphilis, hiv+ they don't want you

  9. Yup, I plan to go back as much as I can till my plants are done anything to help me to hold me over till then will be awesome.
  10. Uuuuuuuuuuughh, I only got $25 my first time, and I pulled the gauze off to early. Blood splurted from the vein in my arm like a foot and then just started going everywhere.. I was stuck in the goddamn place for an extra 2 hours.

    Fucking Oklahoma man. Fifth time you go you still only get $35...
  11. When they prick your finger before drawing blood, they're testing for anemia only. The rest of the tests are done after your blood draw and before plasma is given to patients. I doubt they test for tch. The main concern with donated blood is blood borne pathogens like hepatitis, HIV, etc.
  12. They don't care about THC where i'm from, didn't even ask if I smoked weed. Just asked about druge 'abuse' and needles. Tatoos, unprotected gay sex... Stuff like that.
  13. Well I think they just opened down here idk. Everyone else thought it was crazy I got sixty bucks too...maybe its a first time thing or somethin.
  14. #14 tharedhead, Apr 18, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 18, 2010

    I get paid extra ($120 a pop) because I've been vaccinated for rabies. If you could find a nice rabid dog or cat (or bat, my exposure was from a bat) to bite you, and go throught the entire series of rabies shots....

  15. Holy shit seriously? Damnnnn.
  16. Damn you get $120 a time? That's serious bank lol
  17. damn man, this is a great idea. Before, I would get paid $100 to do 'market research' where I tell some independent research firm what I think of a certain company's (who is paying them) cell phone or some other shit. (Once I got to try a new type of pizza and flavor of pop-tarts when I was zonkd, ahahaha)
    But shit man, gonna start donating blood plasma!
    Hell, I could donate semen too since i've been clean for a couple months!
  18. That is some sad, pathetic shit. I'd give you a ton of shit for it if I hadn't been there. Many times.


    Fuck it, man.
  19. ive been looking for a place for that but they dont pay for plasma in DC
  20. It really does help people, though! :)

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