Does you guys believe in soulmates?

Discussion in 'General' started by folied, Aug 15, 2010.

  1. I am currently in a relationship with a girl I have been dating for 5 months now and I believe her to be my soul mate. We are madly in love right now and indeed in the honeymoon phase but that is not the only reason I believe that she is my soul mate. Here are the other reasons:

    - I feel like I've known her forever, and that we have been together forever even though we have only been dating for 5 months.

    - She has told me on several occasions (we had met in school) that before we were dating and even talked to each other much that she felt as if she would be with me.

    - Before I even really talked to her I had a friend who knew her somewhat well and I'd always ask him to try and get her to hang out. I had no interest in pursuing her at this point but I always had a strange urge to try and get her to hang out even though I barely knew her.

    - When I take a look at certain events I realized that if I made a even a slightly different decision in what I did I would not being dating her. I feel as if everything I have done and certain decisions I have made lead me to her, and even if I made a slightly different decision I feel as if we would not be together. I feel as if something more divine has purposely brought us together.

    - Also, instead of having that crazy lust/attraction/infatuation that most couples have we did not. At first we emotionally connected, and the passion followed. I feel alot of other couples become attracted physically first. We were attracted emotionally.. than physically.

    What do you guys think?

    Do you guys believe in soulmates?

    Don't make fun of me I'm just curious!
  2. nah.
    there are plenty of people you'd be happy with. but it's a big world. and you dont have the opportunity to meet all of them and find who you're truly happiest with.

    it's likely that there are better relationships out there for all of us that'll just never have a shot cause you wont even meet eachother. nothing about life is perfect and you just gotta accept it and be happy and try not to dwell on every imperfection in your relationships.

    PS-- things wont always be as easy as they are now. no matter how in love you are. lol
  3. I agree with this. There's no such thing as a soul mate, just someone who you make happy and vice verse. As long as you can keep each other happy that's what love is.
  4. Souls don't exist. :D
  5. nope...but i don't believe in souls...
  6. Not necessarily in the concept of 'soulmates' but I do believe in love

    What UpFromTheSkies said is very true, you may not find that PERFECT person for you in your life, this is one big planet and our lives are short

    So my advice is this; If this girl makes you truly happy, and you love her then stay with her and enjoy your days together. My girlfriend and I fell madly in love, and not only that but she has become my best friend. We speak frequently about how we would gladly spend our lives with each other, because that's what we want. Sure I could pursue some easy girls, get some lubbin in the bed. But who respects a man like that? Not I. I do not intend to spend my life hopelessly searching for someone who can make me happy. I found my girl, and I ain't lettin go.

    Long story short; If you found a lover, treasure her. Not everyone in the world is that lucky my friend :)
  7. no soul mates dont exist, just people who go well together and youre bound to run into some eventually.
  8. No. To believe in soulmates would require me to believe in love, and in 24 years I've never even seen it outside of fairy tales and Hollywood movies. As far as I can tell love is just a word that gives someone carte blanche to betray you somewhere down the line, and I have a different word for that - bullshit.

    Friends - Temporary
    Love - Bullshit
    Soulmates - Fairy tales
    Marriage - Religious dogma

    I do believe that 2 people can cohabitate a space, though it's destined for failure.
  9. Yes and No..

    Yes, you can find that ONE special someone that you connect with and fall in love with like no one ever before. And you can marry that person, and they're your soulmate.

    But no, because if that somehow fell through eventually, you could eventually find that amazing someone all over again.

    I'd say people only get a few shots at REAL love, and I feel that really being in love is having a soulmate.

  10. Love isnt bullshit. Vinnie Paz says it best

    "Did I think I could run away to see
    The people that decided to leave without asking me
    But we
    Decide to wait for happier tomorrows
    And find someone so they can be distractions from our sorrow
    But my distractions the books of paper that i scrawl in
    I'm eloquent as summer breeze and leaves that have just fallen
    I've crawl in a corner hoping all of this will end
    With the knowledge that love is just another word for revenge
    I who have nothing but the comfort of my sins
    I who have nothing but the comfort of my friends"

    I personally stopped believing in soulmates when I stopped believing in God and higher intervention.

    But when your in love you believe crazy things to justify the way you feel and to assure yourself that person is yours for a reason and that no one could change that. But Time is a Mother Fucker.
  11. Nope, give it a year or two and see if you still have this pure feeling of bliss.
  12. i dont beleive in souls but i def think theyre are people were more compatible and i kind of beleive we make our own destinys not that its predetermined. but if u really love this girl dont let her get away :) btw i think its really sweet lol so u dont have to preface it saying its a honeymoon phase everyone does it and its really quite refreshing. Its obvious ur in love lol im in a better mood reading that but im a sappy girl what can i say lol
  13. 24 isnt that old maybe u jsut havent found the right person? im not trying to be rude or anything i just get sad when people say that bc i say that all the time and then i look and realize i have people that love me. dont let bad shit get u all jaded . trust me Iv had a hell of a life and even if i doubt myself or what the outcome of my process will be I still try to hope for love. Ive seen people who are truly in love I think im too immature to deal with that kind of unconditonal shit right now. but maybe eventually ill find it. and something else not eveyone is out to betray you i know that seems like bullshit but trust me my own mother betrayed me and Ive had to coem to realize thats what true is some people are selfish ok most people are but u find the few who arent and who enjoy ur company bc they just do.
  14. me believes in grammar
  15. Sounds like shes already got the ole ball n chain on ya :p
  16. yup but to a certain degree :]
  17. No, not at all. You made choices and ended up with her...nothing amazing about it
  18. how old are you?
  19. I don't see why my age has anything to do with it, but 22.

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