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Does weed get you higher if the bud stays fresh and moist?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by DaDankSkunk, Nov 14, 2011.

  1. Does weed get you higher if the bud stays fresh and moist?

    As in, like if I keep my weed in a humidifier box, will it get me higher vs having the bud getting dried out in some non-airtight container?
  2. I've always been told to place it in a dry air tight container like a mason jar and out of any sunlight since the light breaks up the THC.
  3. well you dont want the container to be humid to begin with but you do want it to be air tight and like paramite said light degrades thc so it also helps to leave it somewhere dark
  4. Meh.
    I've never really noticed it being less potent when I leave it outside.
    Given most plants are grown outside?
    But yea keep it a mason jar.
  5. Naaaah you don't weed moist. It won't light for one.

    Two it can grow mold.

    Only reason you would need to use a humidifier is if you bought a good ammount of bud that was too dry. I have seen nugs of sour d that crumbled to powder.

    THATS when you use the humidifier.

  6. This.

    Moist conditions = mold :eek:
  7. But if it's air tight and humidified, then would mold still grow?
  8. you want to keep it in a dry, airtight container in the dark.

  9. Lol what don't you understand about moisture=mold?

    If you put weed with even a little moisture in it in a jar it will mold. So if you put it in a humidifier i am almost positive it will mold.

    You don't need to keep weed moist. It is supposed to be dry. So unless it is already dry when you get it OR you plan on keeping it for years there is no need for a humidifier.

    Put it in a glass jar. OR put it in a pill bottle. OR a film canister. And keep it in a dark cool place. And it will last very long.
  10. It will lose potency if it gets too dry but you shouldn't try to humidify it either. Get a jar with a nice seal and keep it somewhere dark and you're set.
  11. Well, this i was wondering because i was getting one of these containers that linda/weedandbombs reviewed

    [ame=]Linda reviews the CVault storage container - YouTube[/ame]

    I used to have a kief box, but I always noticed when I buy my bud, that's when it seems to get me highest. Or when I smoke at my dealer's place. His bud are kept fresh in air tight jars, nice and soft buds. Never rock hard like mine are after a few hours. I used to like it, but for joints I noticed it burns a lot faster if it's dry. So that's another thing.

    Thanks for the replies though, but this question still remains unanswered. I already bought the container and my bud's have turned slightly softer after a day or so. Whether they get me higher, idk yet. We'll see if any mold shows up.
  12. ^^
    I fucking love her.
  13. dont... if it gets too moist you'll get moldy nugs!
  14. Bro just put your bud in an air tight jar like the one your dealer has.

    Not gonna say it again. Don't humidify your bud unless you like moldy shit.
  15. Photo Details > CoolJarz

    or any medicine bottle is good for storing bud i have like 3 different bottles and i have a big one i can fit almost a half in :)
  16. [quote name='"Metropolis"']Meh.
    I've never really noticed it being less potent when I leave it outside.
    Given most plants are grown outside?
    But yea keep it a mason jar.[/quote]

    The THC in the plant only decays if its been decarbed i think

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