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Does UPS drug test Package Handlers??

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by marquise10, Mar 27, 2012.

  1. im about to go in for my orientation for UPS on thursday. Do they drug test package handlers pre employment?? Just wondering before I blaze my first one after a few weeks...:smoke:
  2. UPS? Yes. You can beat on that. They are a pretty reputable place so they will more than likely DT you. I've been drug tested for things like Price Chopper, Warehouse, etc.
  3. Don't smoke. They drug test. They pay good though, so don't fuck up and do the stoner thing and smoke. Looking out for you bro.

    Find out if they random DT too, it's good to know :smoke:
  4. Damn I didn't know UPS drug test cuz I've never took one test during my 5 years working there. I guess it depends on location.
  5. lol 'package handler'

    not sure if they do or not, it might be a good idea to ask them after you turn in your app. I applied there for the same position. Also not all good reputable companies drug test. Three of my close friends work for Wells Fargo and none of them got drug tested.
  6. I've seen videos on YouTube... Trust me they don't drug test :p
  7. #7 KansasRN, May 22, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2013
    I currently work at UPS and I know for a FACT they do not drug test for entry level jobs. Drivers and some full time employess get them and they send you to a clinic to get the test done. If your really worrried google Monkey Pee its a 40 dollar synthetic urine with a pouch and hosing and and I have personal experience they work. Take the IV clips off the hose it will hurt your thigh and just wear it around the inside of your thigh for a few hours. It has a nice broad comfortable strap and its just awesome. I am finishing school and have had to take 3 DT altogether. If you cant find google pee call coopers headshop on broadway st in the 64111 and they can tell you where to get it or they may even ship it if you bought a couple but remember do not mention that its for a test just say its for a cruel prank. Hope this help any way United Pot Smokers= UPS which by the way. People do their best to break the shit out of stuff so I would use fed ex or USPS I personally recommend USPS. 
  8. go to the high schools bet there's some kids who want to sell their piss.
  9. I think they would... I'd play it safe though and wait till after, cause you never know. Good luck, hope they don't drug test.
  10. No they don't drug test, I've worked there for about 3 months. At least my UPS doesnt.
  11. you wanna handle packages for a living? just become a prostitute. 

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