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Does This Mean Its Time to Transplant?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by kannabuzz, Mar 25, 2016.

  1. Hey Guys,

    My GSC will be 2 weeks tomorrow. Today I was looking at them and noticed some roots through the drain holes. I currently have them in SOLO cups.

    Is it time to transplant or should I wait for the roots to be more visible?

    Can I do SOLO cups > 3 gal > 5 Gal? Or What do you guys recommend?

    1458877390742.jpg 1458877433539.jpg 1458877460647.jpg

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  2. I usually wait until the plant is taller and wider than the cup to transplant. Probably like another two weeks from where you are. In that case I would transplant into your final pot. Whichever that is. It kind of looks like you might be over watering.. Just a heads up. They really don't need that much at this stage. You'll want to let the soil dry out a tad before watering again.

    Looking good man keep it up.

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  3. Got it... I think I did over water since the beginning. They went 10 days without water since I planted them because I was afraid of over watering. I'll let them dry out a little longer before next watering... Thanks!

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  4. I use a spray bottle at this point honestly... All the way up until I transplant. Depending on if I'm using nutes of course, as I'll use more water to get a little runoff on the next watering after fert. You're doing alright.

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  5. I'm doing 10 plants with a nutrient schedule and 10 with regular ph'd tap water to see which will grow best.

    So you're suggesting to mist them down to keep the top of soil wet?

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  6. A spritz every now and then in between feeding/watering is always good, once they start really going they will appreciate that extra moisture in the soil, just watch your plants and don't overdo it.
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  7. No, they're not ready to transplant yet. ALWAYS fill up the cups when you use the Solo cups. Leave them in the cups until the plant itself is taller and wider than the cup itself. I even let mine stay in there longer than that since confining the root space forces the foliage to grow more. I'll keep them in cups for a month sometimes to the point they're ridiculously large, and at that point I can go into a 3 gallon pot instead of the 1 gallon I had been going into. Some strains grow a larger more dense root ball than others, but the goal is to get the plant slightly root bound in whatever container it's growing in before you transplant to a larger one. Just keep in mind that the more space it has to root into after the transplant, the longer it's going to take it to make that happen and to get back to growing what you see above ground. Lots of times, new growers will put a tiny seedling in a huge pot and then think something is wrong because they don't "see" it growing. In truth, it's growing like crazy just under the soil where you can't see it. Keeping the containers small as you come up in size gets you faster larger foliage growth. TWW
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