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Does This Look/Sound Legit to You?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Kroniq7, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. Ok so we were told we could get an 1/8th for $20, which sounded pretty good to me (I usually pay more than that in my hometown). So we said "alright, we'll get a quarter then" which was $40. Still not bad in my opinion (though I'm not used to buying quarters, so I don't know). He said it was "pretty good mids". Now here's the thing. Just by eye-balling it, I can't tell if it really is a quarter or not. I was hoping maybe someone here could make a better estimate for me.

    Also, when you squeeze it, it doesn't feel very fluffy, so that's good (more weight... at least, from what I've read, that's what it means). But when breaking it up (I don't have a grinder), it's a bit difficult. It feels almost like... I don't know, not fully dried or something. It kinda feels like when you try to rip apart stale bread. It has some pull to it, then it finally gives. But maybe I'm just used to dry bud, I don't know. I should also mention that despite all this confusion and uncertainty, when he said "pretty good mids", he obviously meant "pretty good". We smoked one bowl between three of us, and we were absolutely gone. I mean like, on a different planet. It seems half a bowl of this is all it's gonna take for an average or just-above average high (which is a-okay with me). Anyway, here's some pics, if anyone would care to assess what we've got here. Pic 1 is the full quarter, set next to a US quarter, for size comparison. Pic 2 is 3 of the buds close up. They have some seemingly-decent red hairs. So, opinions and such are highly appreciated. Thanks. :smoke:

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  2. I would pay $20 for that or less, no more than that looks like some beasters.

  3. Really?

    looks like mids to me.

    and 40 is good for a quarter.

    but 60 will get you a q of dank.

    save 20 bucks and buy some of that.

  4. Well, he didn't have dank, haha. When we called him, what he could get was "$20 an 1/8th for pretty good mids", in his words. But like I said, I just couldn't tell if that's actually a quarter or not. I don't have a scale, or I'd weigh it. Also, it looks like mids because it is mids. But it's definitely the most kickass mids I've had in a long time, cause like I said, a bowl kicked our asses (there's 3 of us).
  5. u could make some nice extract or edibles if u picked up an ounce of that. i nbet u can get the whole oz for 120 if you asked :p
  6. looks like about a quarter, give or take a couple grams. scales are cheap
  7. to me it looks like it could be a few grams short, but again i usually get a few extra grams thrown into my eighths and quarters.

    Looks like some regs to me. But if a bowl gets three of you blown then i'd say stick with the guy if he hooks you up like that.
  8. Alright guys, thanks for the help. I do need to get a scale soon, I just haven't been able to do so recently. Hopefully I can buy one relatively soon.
  9. yeah, thats some pa shwagg from the city, its about a quarter, its kinda moist and compressed because it wasnt cured or handled with care, it was probably caked shortly after harvest. price is good, but an extra $20 would have gotten you a 1/4 of fine middies or even headdies in the 717 these days.

  10. "Pretty good mids" should be a little bit of a red flag.

    although, you didn't get ripped off i would say, not at all
  11. Its def some regs nothing special. But hey at least it got you gooked up then thats all that matters
  12. That sounds like a good deal, especially for your area.
  13. huh?

    looks like some good mid for 20 / cut, and it looks like a full quarter
  14. It may be a gram or 2 short, or at least it looks like it to me.. But for $40 that ain't bad. And the bud don't look bad either, decent mids. Yeah you came out about even for what you paid I'd say.

  15. In Pittsburgh? That doesn't sound right.

    To the OP: I'd say you got a decent deal.
  16. I'd say that looks like a pretty good Q. I'm used to dank shit, and i would pay 40 for that, for sure haha. so consider that a nice pick up ;)
  17. wwwwwwwwwtfff... 20 for an eigth? here it is 60/65 an eith and 100/120 a quarter
  18. looks like mids or bottom of the barrel weed dry as heck
  19. Thanks for the replies everyone. That quarter's gone and it was pretty good. Probably close to the best (if not the best) pickup I've ever made for $40 (or 20/cut, for that matter). Will definitely buy from this guy again.

    Wow dude... either you're getting robbed, or prices are just ridiculous where you live. Only time I've ever paid 60+ an eighth was when I was getting super awesome shit. I'd ask around if I were you. See if everyone else is paying the same, or if you're the only one.

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