Does this look like good wood. Supposed to be a little more than a gram Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Itll smoke. But good isnt how I'd describe it. Ripped off is how I'd describe it Sent from my SM-G930VL using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I give strangers more weed than that as a free gift. And I don't even have a pound lol. Health over wealth my friend What's the point in having wealth if you have no health stay happy Sent from my KING_KONG_3 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Looks can be deceiving- No, it doesnt look good... Recently I got 1/2 of some thin mint cookies and it looked like shwag- I've had thin mint cookies before and while its not a prize winner in the looks dept it looked 100x better than what was in that bag. I took it anyhow. Ended up putting me on the floor- No idea why the terrible looking stuff was so much better- taste was pretty much the same. Idk.