does this look healthy? new to this

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by zdfsuperstoner, Jun 21, 2015.

  1. I'm not super experienced with growing, but I would say yes.
    The plant is nice and green, growing at a decent size (i.e. not dwarfed) and the leaves don't appear to be curling (which often occurs when the plant is dehydrated or has had too many nutrients)
    I'd say just keep doing what you're doing, and try not to worry about it too much. Growing is supposed to be an enjoyable, down-to-earth experience. Don't let the anxiety get to you [​IMG]
    Cheers, Bombadil
    - Love your plants, and they will love you
  2. Looking ok. Start feeding it nitrogen and it will grow a lot faster.
  3. They look great.


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