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Does this look dank?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ehmatrix843, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. Hey GC,
    I just picked up a bit of 'dank' called 'Goo'. Does it look dank? Pics: (actually click on the picture to make it bigger. If you don't, it looks like crap)

  2. not bad its too hard to be sure with those pics tho. looks like some low grade dank
  3. Looks good, smoke it and report back on it.
  4. Looks like some good herb man, Smoke that shit.
  5. Looks pretty nice. Kinda fluffy, but lots of crystals from what I can see.

    Let us know how it smokes! That's the only way to tell.
  6. Looks good to me, post back with a smoke report :smoke:
  7. Haha thanks a lot guys for the nice, speedy posts. Will be sure to come back with a smoke report tomorrow :smoke:
  8. It's not bad, so smoke dat ish!

    Can't tell how dank it is from the photos - remove the depth of field by increasing your shutter speed on your camera (or, just keep taking photos until they are more clear).

    Puffy puff now.
  9. Look decent, how does it smell? Smoke it and let us know where it gets ya. Those pictures make it really hard to tell.
  10. ............this is the SHITTIEST camera skills EVER man:mad: wtf
    how bout an over head shot geeeze.
    seriously tho half the buddage is blacked my the container they r in and the second pic is blurry:mad:
  11. Wahh Wahh Wahh.... Who cares about the camera skills?? If you see enough to comment, comment. If you don't, don't. What did your post add to this thread?

    Then again what is my post adding..... ?
  12. I would grind that shit up, and vape the fuck out of it.

    Yeah, it looks pretty good :smoke:
  13. That looks pretty good. Id say its dank just from looking at it.....

    But, could be some very misleading mids aswell. Haha jk.
  14. personally i think it looks pretty shitty... rating 1-10 i'd say 5. that might be bcuz i live in cali and get my weed from medical clubs. but it is hard to tell in those pics. why the hell did u take the pics from the side angle?

  15. Damn son, whats got your dick in a knot, This ^^^ is why you only have two bars of rep. :smoke::smoke:
  16. It's kinda rough to say from the pics. But what i CAN say is that it doesn't at all look bad.

    My expectation would be anywhere from some high mids to some decent dank. looks pleasant, have fun man.
  17. Yeah, thats why i have two bars of rep 2 man. Cause it totally represents everything accurately :D

    I dont know where im going with this :smoke:
  18. Sorry for takin' so long to reply. This, actually, is medical marijuana. Tasted pretty great, and high was awesome :smoke:

    From 1-10, i'd say an 8.5 made me feel all tingly and happy.

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