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Does This Happen To You?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by DylanBurton, Jun 22, 2013.

  1. After 10 minutes of smoking a toke and im just chillin in the forest with my buds, i usually begin to fade away from what is going on right then and start having conversations in my head and i distract myself by my conversations in my own head. like ill be having a conversation in my head then ill realize im doing it and then ill have a conversation of having a conversation in my head and it gets really fucky. If anyone at all talks to me i just cant seem to connect to reality and have a conversation, and i forget that they asked or said something to me. Does this happen to you guys sometimes?

  2. When I get really baked, yeah, unless there's some really interesting conversation going on. My mind just races sometimes when I'm stoned, I think about the current state of my life and I just go off into my own World. It's kinda annoying, and can be embarrassing when you're with a group of people, but I've asked a few friends about this in the past and they've mostly said they get the same thing every now and then.
  3. Happens to me just about every time I get high. I am a very introverted person normally though, so it's to be expected.
  4. That's why the herb is fantastic.
  5. #5 DylanBurton, Jun 23, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 23, 2013
    i just looked up what introverted ment because i wasnt to sure of the meaning and it turns out i am introverted aswell.
  6. yes, but i dont really care. I enjoy my own company and the coversations in my head are better than the real ones :p
    Pretty interesting how differently us introverts react to weed than extroverts.
    I actually prefer getting high alone, so I can delve into my own consciousness and really explore my mind,
  8. Completely normal. Spacing out is a good sign, it means your bud is of excellent quality ;)
  9. What are your conversations about? If you feel like you're missing out because of these conversations, then you may be contemplating unresolved issues; alternatively, you might just be a dreamer. Try sharing these thoughts with your friends. :smoke:

    If you don't care, then get lost I'm your world man. Don't let your worries distract you.. there are enough worriers on this planet to fill up 10 more!

    Mobile reppin

  10. When I'm in a group, I pretty much sit and listen and throw in a comment here and there. When I smoke alone, I end up talking to myself out loud way more than when I'm in a group. Idk
  11. That happened to me last night. I sat for about an hour with my eyes closed just thinking about life and shit. My friend thought I was dying cause I was hardly breathing
  12. its called being stoned
  14. Just chillin man. Enjoy it!

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