My toking has gone up double since its summer, so I'm running through about an 1/8 a day, but I'm down in Houston atm and cannot get herb till I go back. (Yes I brought some but I'm staying longer than expected) But everytime I take a much needed but not expected tolerance break, my stomach just destroys me literally it seems like 24/7, but its mostly in the morning. I don't know what it is, I know I can wake up and eat a buffet after a blunt or so, but when I don't smoke before, I can't even eat because my stomach hurts. Input? I also eat a lot less when not smoking, but that's because of munchies
I'm currently back at my parents house and cant afford to smoke anymore, my smoking habits eventually became a catch 22 and I lost my job ran out of cash real quick like and ended up homeless, then I got caught with weed at the homeless shelter and ended up really homeless. I personally eat like a monster regardless of if I am stoned or not. An 1/8 a day eh, I wish I sold to you.
Word bro, it's shit like that, that makes me be careful and control it. Most people want it to be a part of their life, but it quickly becomes their life. And atm, it is my life as I'm waiting for school, can't hide it, but once school starts it goes back to being a part of my life. But, I wish you the best man, everyone has it in them, it's who wants it the most.
Yeah I smoke around that definitely in the summer. Just constant smoking with bros and bitches. The bitches never have weed but they bring the tits so no complaints. I spend at least 75-80 bucks a week in buds.
[quote name='"69 others"']Yeah I smoke around that definitely in the summer. Just constant smoking with bros and bitches. The bitches never have weed but they bring the tits so no complaints. I spend at least 75-80 bucks a week in buds.[/quote] Lol you didn't read the post.
I used to smoke about the same as you dude, whenever I was sober I was never hungry, i could go all day without eating and as soon as I had a Joint I was starving, I've cut back alot on the weed that I smoke and only just recently managed to get my appetite back
[quote name='"420dopeaf"']I eat alot regardless if im high or not . lol[/quote] See but that's how I am, during school when my smoking is normal I can still eat just as much as when I'm munchin, but now my body is so used to being high my appetite isn't really there when I'm sober. Well at least that's what I've concluded this as.
[quote name='"DirtyB"']My toking has gone up double since its summer, so I'm running through about an 1/8 a day, but I'm down in Houston atm and cannot get herb till I go back. (Yes I brought some but I'm staying longer than expected) But everytime I take a much needed but not expected tolerance break, my stomach just destroys me literally it seems like 24/7, but its mostly in the morning. I don't know what it is, I know I can wake up and eat a buffet after a blunt or so, but when I don't smoke before, I can't even eat because my stomach hurts. Input? I also eat a lot less when not smoking, but that's because of munchies [/quote] Houston you say
[quote name='"Steveohhxdank"'] Houston you say[/quote] Fosho, chillen at the medical center in Conroe atm, but I think I'm going home a day or two early (today)
buy here its pretty good near a certain college in a neighborhood(apartment complex) with a reputation of murder but you should be fine and the weed is pretty good. edit: my bad didnt read the whole post. idk buy reggie and get your devin the dude on.
I find myself not eating as much when im not high. I guess the only way I combat it is to slow the smoking down. For the stomach pains just pop a peppermint in your mouth. (Actual peppermints, red and white) Works every time for me.
[quote name='"GanjaRastamanBo"'] buy here its pretty good near a certain college in a neighborhood(apartment complex) with a reputation of murder but you should be fine and the weed is pretty good. edit: my bad didnt read the whole post. idk buy reggie and get your devin the dude on.[/quote] Dude what're you talking about lol
Sounds like my earlier years, my advice is give it up for a while and get into a healthier routine making sure you eat at the same time everyday and dont miss meals ever. If your not feeling hungry go for a run (i use to just go for a long roll on my skateboard). Then after youve done that for a while get back into but make sure you dont start relying on the weed to eat and sleep again.
sorry dude i was fucked. i dont know if when i wrote that i was doing something else and got it crossed or what lol. my post doesn't even fit with the thread
Yea i cant eat until i smoke. I went on vacation and i didnt blaze the entire time and it was so annoying because it was all buffets and shit at the resort and i couldnt eat shit because i was never hungry...
yea if i quit after a long binge...well i've never really quit for more than a week or two, but if i did quit i'd probably have less of an appatite, be kinda irratable, or pissed off at shit..