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does smoking affect breathing?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by RUFFLZ, Nov 17, 2011.

  1. i always argue with my roommate that smoking is better than alcohol. his only excuse he doesnt smoke is that he doesnt want to hurt his lungs. like lung capacity or constricted air paths.
    just wondering if this is true?
  2. [quote name='"RUFFLZ"']i always argue with my roommate that smoking is better than alcohol. his only excuse he doesnt smoke is that he doesnt want to hurt his lungs. like lung capacity or constricted air paths.
    just wondering if this is true?[/quote]

    Honestly I'm not sure but i can tell you that using a vaporizer is harmless to your lungs.
  3. If you're a long time, heavy smoker than yes I would suspect that there would be a certain amount of lung restriction in the long term. But otherwise, weed is actually a bronchial dilator which means it actually increases airflow to the lungs, much like asthma medication

    Tell ur friend to smoke a bowl and see for himself :D :smoke:

  4. hes smoked like 5 times before but i dont think he inhales right so i think he just gets buzzed. im trying to convince him to get super high but he never wants to. bitchmade
  5. #5 INeeedMoney, Nov 17, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 17, 2011
    from my personal experience, no. theres been times i have smoked shit tons of bong rips the day before a track meet an i can still run great.

    actually my best time this year, the day before i smoked the most ive ever smoked the day before a meet. its like the more i smoke the better i run the next day :smoke:

    edit: and im also one of the best on the team. blunts will slow you down though because of the tobacco
  6. Yeah, but not by much. Ever heard of Michael Phelps.
  7. Inhaling any smoke is not good for your breathing regardless of wheather it's pot, tobacco, or fake weed. I would say some people have better lungs than others. At times smoking pot has given me breathing problems possibly because I have asthma. I try to use a vaporizer now tho so I don't have to inhale smoke. But I believe if you are a pack a day smoker smoking weed shouldn't hurt your breathing much more.
  8. I concur about the vaporizer! Excellent idea!

    These may be of interest-

    Heavy Habitual Marijuana Smoking Does Not Cause an Accelerated Decline in FEV with Age (full - 1997)
    Recognized HTML document

    No Decrease in Pulmonary Function Associated with Long-Term Cannabis Smoking, Study Says (news - 2007) Illinois NORML - No Decrease in Pulmonary Function Associated with Long-Term Cannabis Smoking, Study Says

    Does smoking marijuana increase the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease? (article - 2009)
    Does smoking marijuana increase the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?

    Effects of smoking cannabis on lung function (full – 2011)
    An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie

    and vaporizing?

    Smokeless Cannabis Delivery Device Efficient And Less Toxic (news - 2007)
    Smokeless Cannabis Delivery Device Efficient And Less Toxic

    Pulmonary function in cannabis users: Support for a clinical trial of the vaporizer
    (full - 2010) in press.pdf
  9. nope, in fact medical weed is the only known long term controller for asthma. it made my asthma go away.

  10. This. Also Usain Bolt admitted he used to smoke so I doubt it has much of a long term effect.
  11. if your smoking alot, as in multiple times a day, then yes you will probably start coughing more often and have a harder time running laps or whatever.

    but casual weekly/biweekly use? i find it hard to believe that casual use would really have much of an effect at all.
  12. Especially recently I've been smoking pretty much every day, practically all day.

    I have a bigger lung capacity than anyone I've ever known (before and after I started smoking), and I have noticed no detrimental difference in my lung capacity.

    My record for holding my breath before I started smoking was 3:17, and it's now 3:42, and while I'm not sure that's quantifiable in terms of lung capacity, I've always felt like I've had above average. I run occasionally, used to run track back in school, and exercise. My lungs are more than fine.

    I also always smoke out of glass, usually reasonably well diffused glass, like a nice bong. I use pipes occasionally and love my steamroller, but I've never smoked a blunt and only smoked 4 joints in my life. I've also never smoked a cigarette.

    This isn't meant to prove anything, just my personal experience.
  13. Yes and no.
    Chronic smokers, possibly "some" effects.

    Smokers and tokers, (Like I am) I notice a difference. Breathing sucks (altho better then it use to be due to keeping somewhat active/keeping up with some sort of walking/excersize.)

    But I know only tokers...they aight compared to me and my cig addicited friends.
  14. Its not good for your lungs.

    Regardless of the articles posted above by stormcrow, I would say there are many other studies that contradict them.

    All in all, I think its common sense. Smoke is bad in some way or another. Dude, your burning a plant and breathing it in.
  15. SMOKE IS BAD FOR YOUR LUNGS!!! There is no way around it. I am sorry to tell you all but yes, thc is a bronchial dilator meaning it can open up the bronchial tubes making it easier for the lungs to absorb oxygen, but that is just thc. There are carcinogens in weed. It is better than cigarette smoke because there are no additives such as arsenic (unless someones trying to get you really Fd up). Smoking can also help to "work" phlem out of your lungs, encouraging coughing and moving stuff up, but there will be more stuff in your lungs left from the smoke. I think the key would be to filter out everything from the smoke and leave nothing for the THC, don't know if it is possible
  16. Marijuana smoke can TEMPORARILY decrease your lung's capacity, but it is not permanent damage.

    This is opposite with tobacco, as they both have different types of carcinogens that are made when the combustion happens.
  17. It definitely affects my lungs, at least temporarily. All of my T Breaks have really been because I need my lungs to run but within a week my lung capacity returns to normal.
  18. i lol'd at bitch made

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