Does My Seedling Look Good So Far?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by HappyGro420, Jul 12, 2019.

  1. Hey fellow smokers & fellow growers I just have a quick question, I planted my Northern Lights 00 From Seedsman 2 & a half days ago while seedling root was about a half inch or a inch when I planted it inside of a 2Gallon Fabric Pot with Miracle-Gro Indoor Potting soil (28•13•19 Mix) & placed it under my 600w Bloomspect in a 2x2x4 with a small 6” oscillating fan with no extraction kit.. looking at it now I’m starting to see green on the root & the seed is opening up a little bit so my question is is that progression?? I’m gonna post pics soon

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  2. Pics are always needed before asking a question.
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  3. Thought I uploaded them. I have other threads I’ve been paying attention to so excuse me.
  4. 2 Gallon Pot is Northern Lights(Fem) as you can see it has already started to pop out a small green mouth of a leaf lol & the smaller one is a bag seed I just went ahead & planted just 30 minutes ago all my seeds are fem I have Skywalker Kush, Cheese & Bruce Banger all fem & a couple that showed their yield says I could get up to a 500-600g

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  5. Consider taking photos under natural light vs purple.

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  6. Bro think about this logically. What are we supposed to see in the pictures you sent? No lie I actually can't even tell what you want us to see because it's so dark and purple.

    Turn off the grow lights and give us some natural light so we can really give you our opinion!

  7. Lol I was in a hurry man I’m sorry & this is my first grow so I’m not experienced please don’t judge me here’s my Northern Lights On Day 5

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  8. Sorry man. Was in a hurry not too much experienced with this yet but I posted some pics from a medium range below & here’s close close ups.

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  9. Just remember, don’t love your seedlings to death. They don’t need nutes, just plenty of good light and time to grow!

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  10. Yeah I’ve been reading before I started btw this is a 2x2x4 Northern Lights FEM grow & I don’t even have nutes yet. So maybe a good thing gonna buy some on Tuesday payday & also getting some fox farms soil & batguano fertilizer. Soon after It starts flower process I’m gonna get a carbon filter

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  11. Also using miracle gro indoor potting soil (28•13•19 mix) so I need help on what all to get for this kinda soil
  12. Turn off the Grow light and use natural light or dark with your phone flash on buddy it will be a lot easier to see and understand for everyone
  13. There’s literally no difference when I use the flash with the grow light vs off & flash on but ok here’s how my plant looks on day 6 today

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  14. Might be just my eyes sorry looks bery purple to me
  15. Day 7.
  16. Day 7

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  17. Day 5 from bagseed

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