Does Marijuana impact your Soul?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Jaxson_, Dec 18, 2018.

  1. And yet the churches love people to think Satan created this plant. xd Such ignorance.
  2. I made an observation this summer when I smoke. I work a three day festival twice a year for the last 17 years and I was packing to work yet another festival throwing things in my bag, rushing around, stuffing it all in, not really thinking about it. I decided to smoke a bowl and continued to pack. I found myself folding my packed clothes, added my yoga mat, I picked a bouquet and brought some candles to make our camp table nicer, in other words, I was a lot more thoughtful about the moment than I was earlier.

    I noticed that a lot when my kids were smaller too. I would be busy cleaning and cooking and kids would be begging me to see this or help them do that. I would go have little puffy come back and find myself forgoing the cleaning and sitting on the ground playing and laughing with my kids instead.

    It seems to put my priorities right.

    And speaking of God and all of that, I'm not a religious person and don't believe herb was a creation of God. And I really do not believe that statement where it takes more NOT to believe than to believe. People spend so much time thinking, worrying, fretting, feel anxious, feeling guilty etc.... Now that takes time and effort.
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  3. #43 WeedCat, Oct 29, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2019
    I'm really okay with a lump of meat and being worm food after I die. I'm not afraid of death. Not keen on the dying part but we all have to go through it.
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  4. I get that and I do understand it's good to be open minded and have a sense of wonderment but you can still do that without subscribing to this man centered man made way to hold on to power and riches.
  5. Consciousness is God. The Universe is a mental creation. I am is in all and all is I.
    Religion itself is good. Upanishads Om shakti shakti shakti :love-m3j:
  6. Good, bad, such simple terms. Tell the many little molested boys and girls to their face that religion is good. Stand in a church literally lined in gold and tell the indigenous people to their face that religion is good. And that can't have the gold back that rightfully belonged to them but instead it must be stolen from them all in the name of God. Power, greed, dysfunction, and dissolution are the only reason we have organized religion.

    And speaking as a woman, don't get me started how man-centered it is.
  7. see.. not simple... I said Upanishads... not a power structure. Think Buddha.
    Does me good to listen to the Dhammapada, or almost any of those wise Zen monks.
    Its not that religion is bad, but those that pervert it sure are.
  8. If you don't mind me asking, where are you from Trojangrower?
  9. Canada. I'm curious, have u ever listened to the Dhammapada? I feel it could be mistaken for Stoicism, which reflects some of the attitudes of early Gnostic Christians called Catars. Those guys were real Christians imo; lived on the land, no politics, no wealth, no vanity. But then they died in the Inquisition, because I suppose they were considered heathen by the Empire. But, yea, not all religion is bad... even if just for its value in literature (The Epic of Rama and Sita, for example). I like listening to a lot of that stuff and make a point of taking time to listen to it, because it brings me back to a good place. I'm not into organized anything though, as I believe the church is in one's own heart.
    As far as materialism, I suppose it has merit to examine, I'm not going to deny the laws of Nature... or should I? Science, philosophy, religion, history, they each have their merits... let us not forget the Mind-Body problem.
    I feel your animosity is more targeted towards Anglo-Saxon-Judaic-Persian-Empire evangelical-type mentalities and misconstruing what many of us consider religion. Myself, I'm more of an agnostic, perennial philosophy type, everything is the creation in my perspective.
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  10. Yes, I believe marijuana helps us connect on a more spiritual (call it what you will) level. I believe it allows us to slow down enough to actually be more aware in our moments.

    I experienced the same thing with my kids growing up. Marijuana allowed me to find my inner child and made playtime productive.

    Recently, I discovered I’m much more imaginative when I journal or craft, if I smoke beforehand. I’ve smoked for years but I’ve never really smoked and tried to be creative.

    And lastly, back to the soul, I’m not offended by this term, nor am I offended by the statement God created weed. Everyone has a right to their on belief system. Even if you don’t believe in God, is it too far fetched that the planet itself has the properties we need to survive? I’m sure we would have all been a lot better off if we had continued using natural medicine and big pharma never existed.

    When I smoke outdoors in nature, I do feel a certain connection with the earth and it’s energy. I also agree that we are energy that may change form when we die but never go away, call it energy, a soul, whatever speaks to you. So in answer to your question, a very long winded and resounding yes.
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  11. I agree that ganja has a positive impact on the soul.
  12. I believe in the soul; I totally disagree with you. Extinction of the Ego is a goal of what I believe in; for some reason the Ego lusts after inherently empty states.
  13. Religion gives people Hope in times of distress though...
  14. The Veil of Maya, what a bitch!
  15. Having a soul is just another marketing scheme.
  16. It can be...Everything is a business I guess.
  17. This a kind of question that makes you wanna smoke by yourself I don’t like to debate while getting blazed just let me get high Nd watch Waynehead Nd Rick Nd morty

    My Soul enjoy getting blazed
  18. 7C75B476-6649-425C-B866-169E88086EB2.gif
    My soul after blazing
  19. No, I don't believe (for me) that it changes your soul, given that one exists. I've been imbibing since 1970. My lifestyle has been very attached to it. My soul, has other things to contend with.
  20. he knows if u been good or bad, so be good for goodness sake.

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