Does it hurt to add 1/2 hour of darkness during flowering stage

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by trchd1, May 7, 2011.

  1. Will it hurt the plants if I add 1/2 hour of darkness to make sure they are getting plenty of darkness during the 12/12 flowering phase so it is now 11 and 1/2 hour light and 12 and 1/2 hour of dark :confused:
  2. It won‘t kill them just don‘t juggle your light/dark periods around too much if you decide to try it out.
  3. Idk why u would want to if u wanna make sure thete getting enough darkness during 12/12 just make sure theres no leaks any more dark then that and u start cutting down yield
  4. I currently run 14h light 10h dark and I'm going to have the biggest yield I've ever had yet. So I would say 12 hours is the guaranteed amount of darkness for any strain. Some strains don't need 12.
  5. Actually, there have been documented experiments performed on the effect of different lengths of dark periods. I don't recall the specifics but it stuck with me that there were definate benefits witnessed with longer darkness periods like 12.5, 13 & 13.5 hours.

    Since reading the article years ago, I've always set the lights-off time to 12.5hrs with good results. This is especially helpful with H.I.D.'s that continue to glow for awhile after being turned off.
  6. well think how it works outdoor ( i know its different but still)
    Days get progressively shorter from the Summer Solstice until the Winter Solstice
    its never exactly 12/12 in the wild and somehow the bitch still flowers
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  7. The only thing ive ever seen on a positive effect is the plant may show sex faster other then that ur gonna lose yield just like the other guy said hes on 14 hrs daylight and its gonna be his best yield yet light stacks the buds not dark.

  8. It seems like you would be safer by making SURE you have AT LEAST 12 hours of dark vs. 11 and 3/4 or 11 and 7/8 of dark due to the glowing down of the light plus a possibility of the timer being just slightly off

    What about the issue of some people cutting down the light dramaticly during the last few days of life :confused:
  9. A half-hour swing won't make a difference.

    Keep in mind that the flowering hormonal reaction is much like an on/off switch -- you need enough darkness to induce and maintain flowering, and once it is flowering you can't make it "flower more." As long as the hormonal reaction is tipping the balance to flowering then it will stay in flowering.
  10. [quote name='toastybiz']A half-hour swing won't make a difference.

    Keep in mind that the flowering hormonal reaction is much like an on/off switch -- you need enough darkness to induce and maintain flowering, and once it is flowering you can't make it "flower more." As long as the hormonal reaction is tipping the balance to flowering then it will stay in flowering.[/


  11. The plants sense when the days are getting shorter not when the cycle is 12 hrs dark so 11 3/4 wouldnt make a difference plants will flower with as little as 14 hrs day like toasty said he took the words outta my mouth 30 minutes isnt gonna make a difference.

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