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Does eating kill your high?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by chadw, Aug 9, 2007.

  1. Yessuh, eating and smoking tobacco make my high go away.
  2. lol i need my newports to get my high to the next level after a few bowls or blunts

    but i dunno usually eating and clear eyes kill my high :smoking:
  3. damn dude... ditto, heh.
  4. Eating doesn't KILL your high, eating alot of food takes alot of time. Naturally your high will fade over this time, especially those with high tol's.
  5. Yes as much as anyone says it doesn't it really does, you just have to smoke a lot to notice.
  6. totally when i first started smoking i would make myself sick eating so i dont really get the munchies so much...but then again maybe its just the lack of muchies around you..cuz you better not leave a bag of chips around me after i smoke
  7. for me personally it really depends on the type of food i ingest...

    typically when i eat light, for example a turkey sandwich... it has a minimal affect

    conversely, a nice steak medium rare with garlic mashed potatoes stomps my high...
  8. even if it did, i wouldnt care.

    Chowing down some munchies from a nice indica stonage, now that is good stuff.

    I mean if it kills it a little, pack a bowl and take another 2-3 hits, problem solved :) (don't all thank me at once for figuring out that secret)
  9. I love eating and having an OJ or some fruit drink when im blazed, Jones Sodas are good as well.
  10. Orange Cream jones soda, thats my favorite right there.
  11. nahh i dont buy it, cause i smoke weed and get my usual two hours. and even if i eat a bunchve white castles...i still feel really high, it think it may even intensify my high n make it more enjoyable cause i can taste all those flavors in my mouth heightened.
  12. While i don't think eating completly kills a high, I have noticed that as I finish eating I seem less high than before.
  13. It deff. kills mine. My friend who has been smoking 2 years less than me always gets jacked up and he eats and calms down. Ive learned not to eat much anymore(dont really feel the need to anymore) and I stay high longer.
  14. Yes. I had to explain this to my wife the other night! I've always came down faster when I ate.
  15. I'd say it sobers you up a bit, but doesn't "kill" the high. I have noticed it clears things up, though, and it always pisses me off. I love how things taste when I'm high, but then I usually find myself smoking more afterwards.

    One night, I ended up burning through a whole eighth to myself (this, coming from someone who firmly believes in conserving weed) JUST because I kept coming down after eating. It sucked.
  16. Yeah it does. That's why you have to make magic brownies and other foods with bud in them. Eating them will make you higher!
  17. eating will start to sober u up abit
  18. Does it matter, you get out of a high what you put in, and if you spend ages trying to ignor munchies and cant enjoy your high just to make it last longer whats the point
  19. Eating seems to cut my high time in half, I try not to eat when I toke I eat before I toke. Different from person to person.

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