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Does cooking brownies dank?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by UnbeatableJacob, Mar 7, 2011.

  1. Me and my sister are thinking about making some hash brownies or some other editables but we both live at my parents (don't judge) and we don't really want the whole kitchen smelling like weed. I mean, my dad wouldn't care since he approves of me burning but my mom might get kinda pissy. So my question is, will it smell and if so how long?
  2. smells alot. I did it in an apartment building with my friend. It smelled all down the halls.
  3. it really depends on the method you use to make them. if using a crock pot with water, butter, and bud, then it will smell for a long time, and stick around for a while.

    I use paleo's method, which has perhaps just as big of a smell, but doesnt last long at all.

    either way make them when you have the day to yourselves, and air the house out for a few hours after, and you should be fine
  4. #4 GutteralShiva, Mar 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 7, 2011
    Firecrackers= No smell produced what so ever.

    Only downside is what they lack in smell they make up for nastiness in taste.
  5. weedfood is the stankiest thing in the world.

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