does anyone know hoe much teh hiccups suck?

Discussion in 'General' started by sensimil, Apr 21, 2003.

  1. especailly when you are drunk?>

    smd not to metion lazy(/drunk) to do a damn thing about it!!!!!!!!!

    god damn good thing I gotta get a refill....................................ohwauit....................................................................................................................................................NOW! :D I love you guys :D you dont even know. if it were the city, ALL of us, just hanging around, Im thinking which girl id be scamming on, and almost more invloved in what everyone else was finding there groove in..and be migling...BUT THE REAL QUESTION HERE...will come up in my next post ver y shortly..but not to leave you hagning....I cranked up the heat and im thinking, hell, now it feels like summer warm in waht next? NOTHING! thats DAMN right. gotta end this post, before I forget why I even started it..i love taking my clothes off
  2. yeah i hate the hiccups especially when drunk.......Peace out.....Sid

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