Does anyone else get like this?

Discussion in 'General' started by hear-me-RooR, Nov 12, 2009.

  1. I dont know if its just me who has this problem, but does anyone else get more annoyed of people when they are high? It seems like I get hypersensitive or more tuned in to the annoying things that people do (nagging, yelling, talking too loud etc). Lately it has gotten to the point of having to smoke by myself (which i enjoy, but it does get lonely sometimes) or with one other person who I know is just chill. This has only been happening for about the last four months and im thinking/hoping it has to do with stress (ive been under a lot of stress) and that it will go away in time.
    Has this ever happened to you?
  2. oh it sure has. I know exactly what you mean and its hard to explain.
    I feel ya with the smoking alone thing too man, it does get lonely..
    It could be the stress too, so just give it some time. Try to find some new people to blaze with. Maybe thatll do it.

    Take it easy bro.
  3. #3 Free The BIRDS, Nov 12, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 12, 2009
    ya man i get like this too. like if im trying to sit back and relax, enjoy my high and someone is doing wack stuff, ex. yelling.. errr its annoying. just tell em to stfu.

    but then again, im able to turn ON my music and try to tune out whats happening or just put on some headphones. word
  4. defintely with certain people. i am sure people feel the same way ab out me. what goes around.

    whatever :smoking:

  5. couldn't have said it better, i consider headphones as my shield
  6. I feel weird in social situations when I'm stoned. I prefer to smoke alone, so I can just chill out.
  7. I think its easier to ignore annoying people when im high lol.
  8. i feel the same way. for me i was figuring out that the people i was tokin with were just some assholes that want to act like little kids. my advice: find new people to toke with that you can just kick it with and dont ruin your high by blabbing their ass off
  9. Yup, same thing happens to me. I don't usually find it to be a problem. It's just that when I smoke my true feelings towards people are just shoved in my face. It makes choosing who I hang out with a lot easier. Eventually though, you've got to try and gain some empathy, because everyone can annoy you with something.
  10. Sometimes that happens to me when I'm high. It really only happens when I'm trying to do something that needs to get done soon, ie. cleaning up the mess after we smoke, and they just fuck off. That's when I get pissed.
  11. Certain people. Like if I smoke and then spend time with my family, I usually get more annoyed than if I was by myself or with my friends.

  12. weird some ***** just left my crib that was odeee annoying me that i hav been friends with for abt a year. it was me him and a girl chilling and all nite i was just getting annoyed by a lot of random shit...mayb b c it was at my crib i duno but i smell u my broccoli sprout
  13. I have that problem with a good friend of mine that likes to tell tall tales about EVERYTHING. When i'm sober I listen to his bullshit and nod and go along with it with absolutely no problem, and sometimes I even find it entertaining. But when i'm high just because I know he's full of shit and he won't shut up I cant help but get real irritated...
  14. im the exact same way, although I want that to change. Next bag i get, im gonna somke right before work or going out for a while to try to get used to it.
  15. I'm constantly annoyed by every little thing done by every other person that isn't me. I jump, twitch and shiver with rage and can't stand anybody.

    I'm very unpleasant to be with.

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