Does anyone else feel this way?

Discussion in 'General' started by flashlight, Dec 12, 2007.

  1. sorry long read, but worth it if your bored and looking to help a brother out....

    Hey guys its been quite a while since ie been on here...i definatley miss it...

    about 3 weeks ago i stopped smoking bud...i had been on and off for like a year or more i guess, but since the summer id basically smoke every day, then the past few months like 2-3 times a day...

    i dont know why or what it was but i was getting soooo fed up with life, i was pissed off all the time, i was getting annoyed super easily and was not talking to my family (and im very close with my family)...i could tell that something was definatley not right but wasnt sure, and just kept smoking more bc i LOVE being high....

    i guess i thought i was addicted, definatley mentally addicted, like i said, i absolutley love being high...anyway, i snapped 3 weeks ago, couldnt take it, it semed like EVERYTHING that could go wrong, would go wrong, and i was just so fed up with life, and i have a great life so it actually worried me...

    so i quit with weed, partly bc i wasnt sure if id be re-tested at work due to switching from intern to full time employee, turns out i wont be, and partly bc i felt like i was running myself into the ground...

    basically all i cared about was being smoke before class, id smoke and then quick sneak out and just go for drives alone, all i wanted was to be alone and high....

    anyway, after 3 weeks of no smoking, im like amazed at how different my life is...i am SO clear headed now, im back to my normal, happy, outgoing self, i work out 4 times a week, take vitamins every day, drink tons of water, read everyday and have gotten into my schoolwork even though its my last semester and i have major senioritis after 4.5 yrs of college...

    im SO torn here guys bc i honestly feel like weed was controlling my life, or i was letting it atleast....i miss smoking so much, and i really hadnt thought about it until this week, and now i want to smoke, but i know that if i buy weed ill fall right back into that slump that i was in..i dont know why.....

    does anyone else ever feel like weed is actually kind of detrimental to them? it really makes my outlook so different on life...when i smoke a lot, i feel like all i want to do is move out to the woods and live this simple life and do nothing but smoke weed and mountain bike...when im not smoking for a few weeks i get this big urge to just do big things, take control of my work and make a lot of money and live a subtle but easier life...i hate feeling so torn be i love weed and i love the way it makes me feel but i hate the effects of it on my personalty and my drive to be successful...

    i just wonder if anyone else feels this way, or if anyone has som suggestins for me...i find it so hard to have weed on hand and not smoke it all the time...seriously im terrible with self control when it comes to weed, but im fine with everything else its very odd...i just cant resist that sweet herb...

  2. When I smoke and I think about my life, I think about how much I could accomplish and how I should go back into nursing for school :p

    If you feel like you smoke too much, pre roll all the herb you buy at limit yourself to say two joints a day, AM, PM or whatever, works for me :)

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