Does anyone else ever..

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by GrUnGe888, Oct 29, 2011.

  1. feel like they're suppose to be unhappy and alone? I feel like I am one of those people like Kurt Cobain or whoever that is just meant to be alone and unhappy for the rest of his life. I feel like I was singled out for a purpose to be miserable and bring joy to others through my strife. But in the end I'll never be happy. I don't know I'm just feeling awful right now and was wondering if anyone else felt the same.
  2. you vvill feel hovvever you choose to feel.

    and yes, my double u key is broken.
  3. #3 Velocirapture, Oct 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 30, 2011
    Stop being such a little bitch.

    --Disrespect is not tolerated here--
  4. #4 0oHAZEo0, Oct 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 30, 2011
    ^^^WOW you can fuck off....go smoke one...suck a dick,(if thats your thing, which it probably is) do whatever it is you do

    --Disrespect is not tolerated here--

    sometimes in life, hard times can get the best of our feelings/emotions....but you just have to fight those feelings off and try to live the best way you may take some time for you to feel differently than you do now, but i can promise you will feel differently some day....ive felt/feel very similar emotions you have described, identical atually....although the reasons why we feel this way may be different, the solutions to our happiness may be the same =] weed helps lol but really it takes your inner strength as a person to overcome these feelings...hope that helps...just keep your head up, set goals for yourself, and find things that make you happy.....

  5. Would sucking dick make me any more of a detestable person?

    I was giving him a little shit. I'm sorry if I came off as an ass. It's just my sense of humor.

    Are you having some girl troubles OP? After all you did post this in a sexuality and relationships forum.
  6. I don't think Kurt Cobain felt alone, I think he couldn't hand the fame and adulation that being a rock star entailed. I remember distinctively that he was never enamored of the attention that he garnered simply for doing the one thing that he was really good at (making music).

    As to the original question, EVERYONE feels alone and lost some times. The real trick is to learn how to embrace that feeling and not get depressed about it. Human Beings are a social animal, but really the technology of today has divided us into singular units. You CAN barracade yourself up in your house and still be "connected" to the outside world. That's not necessarily the best course of action.

    Seriously the best way to get over this is simply go out in public, be with people, and make new friends. All you have to do is say "hello". Most people are too concerned with what other people will think about them, and thus they are shy and insular. The truth is that if you only understood that other people don't think about you half as much as you think they do, you'd be much happier.

    IN other words, shit or get off the pot. Get up, go outside and interact with some people. It doesn't have to be a party, it doesn't have to even be anything more than just walking to the grocery store.

    BUT you need to interact with others.
  7. kurt cobain vvas depressed and fucked up long before he became famous.
  8. i keep thinking your dracula. i vvant to suck your vvlood
  9. Yea, I was until I started doing exactly what wildwill was talking about. Just a tip if you are ever thinking to much about yourself like in the op, your doing it wrong.

    In other words people in this situation USUALLY are not really active in an activity or somebody else's life
  10. i keep thinking the same thing lol
  11. Lawls.
  12. I feel like shit too. This stoner chick just blew me off.
  13. I love Nirvana!
  14. Wait, did someone say Kurt Cobain was good at making music?

    He was good at doing Heroin and moaning into a microphone... Not making music.
  15. I think Cobain felt alone but i think he liked being alone. Watch "Kurt Cobain About a Son" to hear some of his thoughts on that shit.

    As for the op. Sometimes you have to stop embracing the whole "im a loser and bound to be lonely forever" point of view. I mean your name is grunge and you compare yourself to on of the most famously depressed people in history. You have to start thinking positively and stop telling yourself every day that your miserable and unhappy and that that's how you'll be forever.

    The thoughts you choose to think every day will begin to shape who you are. So constantly telling yourself that you'll never be happy and that things will never change is only going to perpetuate those things happening in your life. You have to break that pattern of talking down to yourself otherwise you'll continue to be unhappy. Next time you start feeling bad try to focus on the positives in your life. Ask yourself what things you can be grateful for and focus on all that you DO have instead of all that you don't. I have a masters in psychology trust me if you start making changes in the way you chose to think your brain WILL respond. Thats the beauty of the human brain, it adapts to the way you chose to live your life.
  16. Look this thread isn't about Kurt Cobain and his music, it's about a person's life, and the OP is trying to reach out to say "something's fucked up, I need some help". If you aren't going to help, well...whatever.
  17. #17 tetoleetd, Oct 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 30, 2011
    he sold millions of records because he did heroin and moaned into a microphone.....right. the beauty of kurt cobain and nirvana was that they werent super talented musically or have the best voice but the music was still brilliant and beautiful and honest. if you dont see that than thats your problem, but a lot of people realize it and love it.
  18. #18 Tussell, Oct 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 30, 2011
    You're right, and a pot forum is the best place to do it... If he's dead serious, coming to online potheads isn't going to be the solution.

    N'Sync sold a bunch of records because their music was brilliant, beautiful, and honest, huh?
    Record sales mean shit.
  19. I feel you op. Since I was 15 I seriously thought my purpose in life was to endure pain for everyone. Kinda like in the book "The Giver". Stupid I know, but at the time I trained myself to think that way. These days I still feel like shit. I know that it can all change with some hard work though.

  20. Well obviously this isn't the BEST place to get help but it is a place, and he feels comfortable asking, so where's the harm in actually trying to, I dunno, HELP?

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