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Does anyone else do this??

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Jake Broadway-Jones, Apr 14, 2018.

  1. I only like to smoke weed after a certain time of day, usually around 6-7pm.
    I find if I smoke during the day, it's actually makes my anxiety worse, but at night it seems to ease it. No matter the dosage even a few puffs in the day sets me off.
    Am I the only one who does this? Or is it pretty common to only smoke at night?

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  2. I imagine most smoke at night after work/school

    when time is free

    avoid caffine and hassle

    good luck

  3. Reported billy stop spamming with your bullshit website
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. I do I have a routine everyday very rarely does it get interrupted. Wake up shower get ready smoke, drive to work before I go in smoke,lunch time smoke, before I drive home smoke, when I get home smoke, 2 hrs before bed edible.
  5. If its my day off, i'm usually smoking all day/night.
    I hate being high at work, its quite obvious...or at least i feel like it is. But when i'm home, i'm high.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Smoke most of the day.
    Although I've been abstaining lately.
    Just cleansing my system a bit.
    I work for a hydroponic shop so it's kinda part of the job.
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    • Winner Winner x 1
  7. I mostly get Indica hybrids so I don't smoke that much and if I do it's if I don't need to be doing energetic shit / later in the day. But my state should be getting legal by next year if our governor actually has any balls and isn't a lying piece of shit so hopefully I'll be able to choose strains more easily then and smoke sativas in the day.
  8. You're in New Jersey, aren't you.
    I'm praying for your good fortune.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Yep. Appreciate it bro.
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  10. I'm a day time toker, mostly to get my day started off right. I usually won't smoke after 7 pm (no particular reason). A nice glass of wine on occasion settles me before bed.
  11. #11 Deleted member 1049288, Apr 15, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 16, 2020
    • Creative Creative x 1
  12. That sounds ass backwards....smoking in a day and having a glass of wine on a night.

    Me personally I get high all day and on an evening but if I did cut down I would it the days out and stick to of an evening.

    Sent from my SM-G900FD using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  13. Might sound ass backwards to you but I do what I wanna. And I work 3rd shift.
  14. I've said this before on here, but I usually only smoke at night. And lately I've only been smoking a couple days a week. It's been a good way to keep my tolerance low and conserve some bud, so when I do smoke it's usually at night. Lately I like a good sativa though, I can still be productive even though the day is winding down. It's been cool.

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