Does anybody know of a site or blog that has a "Future Technology of the Week" feature?

Discussion in 'General' started by Maximum7, Jan 9, 2018.

  1. I'm looking for a current ongoing blog or site that updates every week or every month with a new future tech or invention or concept idea? All the big sites like, Nextbigfuture,SingularityHub, popular science don't have it. I'm looking for an amateur site or an obscure blog that does it. Planetpailly does Sciency words every Friday but the words aren't always futuristic. Isacc Arthur updates his YouTube channel every Thursday but most of his videos are about space. Robert Bignell has a site where he postulates 5 sci fi novums every Tuesday. However, these novums are often too generic and have actually been realized. Does anybody know of anything like this. Please provide a link. Also it should be current and ongoing as of January 2018.

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