It struck me that there's probably a whole bunch of people that are active but don't really smoke? Dunno personally I'm stoned as hell whenever I lurk the forum
Yes. I click around when I'm sober. Hang out when I'm.. Not Sent from my iPad using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Occasionally but more often than not I am usually lifted and if not here then I am doing more important shit.
to be honest i find being on here high kind of a waste, i mean i do enjoy it every now and then but fuck man i rarely ever get to smoke and if i do im either gaming out, chatting with a buddy or writing, i may come on here to read some funny shit every now and then but shit as soon as i come on here high i usually read something that kills my buzz, nobodys fault but shit the city just aint as funny as it used to be, or maybe i just dont smoke enough and browse for it to be that way. So yeah, im on here high like maybe once a month, sometimes a couple more if i want too but like i said rarely any time that i can dedicate to smoking in the first place.
Yeah but I usually am more active when high when im sober I just click around but when Im high I get involved :smokin:
All day when I'm at work. Except for the days that I'm stoned...and at nights I'm usually drinking da booze.