Does America own the moon?

Discussion in 'General' started by TokinMartian, Aug 4, 2008.

  1. actually i dont think there would be a battle as it would cost way to much to go to the moon, drill the oil and get it back here.

    and about the moon, ive seen some guy selling building lots on the moon for like $50. im not sure how much space you get or if its even legit.
  2. But its TRUEEEEEEEE!!!!!!:eek:
  3. No one owns the moon man.....its god's moon.

    god i love that movie. even though thats not the exact quote.
  4. Actually, A.D. Lindsay owns the moon... along with all "planets, islands-of-space or other matter" in the Universe.

    What a baller.

    As of now... everybody owns the moon. But that'll change as soon as someone can capitalize on it.

  5. you beat me to it...
  6. theres a dude who sells land on the moon for alot of money

    fuck, y didnt i fucking think of that, its soo fucking easy and totally FUCKING FREE FOR HIM!!!!!!!! HE'S A FUCKING MILLIONAIRE NOW

    makes me wanna fucking cry, y cant i think of anything thats totally profitable that doesnt cost a shit ton of money to start up

  7. well neg. i think you still can if you want to just sell your "land" in a different spot then him and you should be good .
  8. i got some real estate on venus if youre interested in a GC ONLY wholesale deal. otherwise its by the acre.

    heres your chance..once in a lifetime deal of 4 EASY payments of 19.99.:smoke::smoke:
  9. No it doesn´t. A Chilean owns the moon, he bought it in the 50´s when no one was interested and years before people wanted to go into space. I´ll try and find the info, but know this. No matter what you´re talking about, there is ALWAYS a Chilean involved...ALWAYS.

    OK, at least he made a claim and tried to sell parcels, but I´m not sure how that held up internationally...probably as bad as it did when we claimed the antarctic. Of course no one says anything when England or Spain claims an entire continent, but when little ole Chile does, everyone goes batshit and there has to be an international agreement and shit...What gives?
  10. We were egged on by Sputnik...
  11. We used to own the moon, until the cosmic foreclosure crisis.

    Now it belongs to the bank...
    which just failed...
    and was then taken over by the government...
    so I guess that means...

    We own the Moon.
  12. hurray for canada!

    *runs and hides under his bed*
  13. sorry i'm not from the us.. 52 states sounded about right :D
  14. Actually Terrorists are now in control of the moon.....
    and they're building WMDs up there....

    we have to Nuke the moon to save ourselves!!!!
  15. AMErica owns this freakin thread *****z
  16. we own whatever the fuck we want to.. there's an american flag on that bitch right?

  17. ^^ or is there.....? *tum-tum-tum*
  18. the moon is ours you bitches,,,,,of the earth realm,,,,,,you grounded earthlings,,,,,

    the moon has been taken over by the sons of the confederacy,,,,,

    our leaders names are jethro,,,and billy-wayne......we have lived up here for years,,,,, thats why they only show you one side of the moon,,,,

    we live on the dark-side,,,,with moonrovers up on blocks in our front yards,,,

    i got proof,,,,,,http://[​IMG]

    ignore that '' NO TRESSPASSING'' sign we got posted on the lighted side of the moon,,,,,and see if you dont get some redman spit betwwen your eyes,,,
  19. Ooooookkaaaaay :confused:
  20. you guys are so stupid. obviously tiger woods owns the moon. proof.

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