Do You Think Your Truly Happy?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by 2313, Jun 5, 2013.

  1. im happy untill i start to think about it, or sometimes life stops for a second and u start to feel powerless and you dont know what to do next but life has  a way of just working out on its own.
    im just alloonngg forr the ridee mann lol

  2. #22 ByePhilipe, Jun 8, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2013
    I don't think happiness is a destination in the sense that once you get there, youre always there. (I hope that makes sense) I think happiness is a state of being. I will say that I'm always striving to be happy and to not let my circumstances get to me but it's hard.

    Right now, I'm okay. I've been happier but I could be worse and knowing that makes me thankful for how I feel today.
  3. I don't know if I will ever be truly happy. I'm happy at certain times but in general, I often have thoughts that relate to depression and unfulfillment. That's probably my own fault considering the path in life I chose, which is not knowing the path at all.
  4. Maybe not completely, but probably like 90%. I'm working on the rest though. :bongin:
  5. I don't know how people can look around and see what Is going on in the world, and truly be happy.
  6. is it even possible? lol
  7. The glass is never full, yet it is never empty either.
  8. If you base your happiness on people who have less then you like kids in Africa then you have a false happiness.  I cant stand when people say "be grateful, think about kids in Africa."  Do you know that more people are unhappy in 1st world countries mostly America then ANYWHERE on the planet?  Its because there is two things you need to understand first, psychological suffering and physical suffering.  In Africa and other poor places they have physical suffering.  Many of those people live completely in the now with loved ones always around them together, living day by day and are usually very happy people, the Dalai Lama talks about this in a couple of his books.  He has been literally everywhere.  And said he couldnt believe how happy people were in physical suffering parts of the world, and how unsatisfied and unhappy people were for the most part in 1st world countries.
    Its because we dont worry about getting dinner, or fighting predators, we have psychological suffering.  Something that does far more damage then physical suffering, stress eats away at the mind body and soul and puts you in dark places.  Mostly to do with how unbalanced our society is an completely ego based, driving people farther and farther away from their true selves and nature, creating a false being inside that breeds unhappiness day in and day out.  
    Happiness is not something you pursue.  It is a mind set.  It is always available, patiently waiting when your ready.  Its more of an understanding then anything else.  Understanding that there will always be ups and downs in life, you cant do anything about that but you have complete control over how you react to the situations.  And its not about waiting out the tide through the bad times like people say, its about enjoying it all.  Just experience.  Its life.  Be happy, laugh when your up and down.  Its a rollercoaster, a ride that only lasts for a little while, just enjoy it while it lasts.  
  9. Sometimes the glass is empty. Or at least almost empty.
  10. Not at all.
  11. #31 sutats, Jun 16, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 16, 2013
    What a lot of people don't understand is that happiness is a choice. In every situation thrown at you in life, you have the CHOICE to be happy and take it with a smile, or to let it ruin your day. The thing with happiness is this. Yes, there are times you will be angry, sad, anxious, etc. Everyone will go through emotions. It is the ability to recognize the feelings, accept them, and move on. Dwelling on things of the past will only do one thing. It will perpetuate negative feelings and prevent any future growth.
  12. Nope.
    I'm hoping that I find some sort of happiness soon, but this year has been a clusterfuck of bad things after bad things happening.
    But when i really look at things I havent ever been "truly" happy. Even when I was married, working at the hospital, was able to live comfortably and was very happy in the marriage, the job and not stressing about money - i only felt happy in those things, not in the big picture and i think to be truly happy you have to be happy in general and with the big pictures.
    brushing off things you cant control and appreciating what you have. But some people (especially some ((though not all)) with mental health issues) never really feel what true happiness is.
    while i see a ton of validity in this statement, i think you are forgetting that in some people the choice of happiness only goes so far. it is a state of mind yes, and dwelling is bad, yes.
    but lets remember here that happiness is based on neurochemistry and we are all made up differently. if your brain chemistry is not working correctly in terms of your dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and even endorphins - you will not feel the same kind of happiness one with working chemistry will.
    sure its a choice, but at the same time you dont often get to choose having fucked up brain chemistry unless you do it to yourself, which not everyone does.
  14. Nope. I have moments where I feel nice, and other moments of green euphoria, but other than that, not really.
    I'm too existentially confused and scared. Not to mention some other personal problems...
    Carry on
  15. Fuck it, yes I am.
  16. A down day is a day like to day happily lounging around listening to dire straights which is awesome. I'd say I am very happy as I am almost completely inwardly under control and happy. At times i get bored with this world all the bs and crap people have to put up with but thats a minor annoyance. Its not that im too big to listen to the problems its just im too good to pay attention to them. 
  17. It's impossible to without being unhappy at the same time.

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