Do you think the U.S. is trying to keep Marijuana illegal for a bigger reason?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by Joeottoman, Nov 1, 2009.

  1. #1 Joeottoman, Nov 1, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 2, 2009
    I've been thinking a lot about this lately. I know the government is not dumb enough to not realize how much money the country can make off of legalization. They obviously know that already. If they know that why are they still keeping it illegal? They know that a large amount of money made off marijuana in the U. S. goes straight to criminals and the mexican drug cartel when marijuana is illegal. Where does the money go after that? I'm thinking the government knows something that we don't know...
  2. The short answer is yes.

    There are a ton of industries that would be hurt by the legalization of cannabis including (but not limited to) Timber, Cotton, Pharmacuticals, the DEA, and pretty much every government agency out there gets money to fight the "drug war" which is more than 90% about cannabis.

    So yeah.
  3. The answer is yes and the reason is money.
  4. you want to know why its illegal? Here's a list

    1) Federal Reserve

    2) It would bring in an era of a war-less world(who wants to fight while stoned?)

    3) Free thinking society

    4) Corporations

    5) Pharmaceuticals world lose a profit.(fun fact Federal reserve runs pharmaceuticals)

    list goes on
  5. Of course yes.

    The government does everything for a reason. Basically every logical reason has been listed above. Let me tell you one thing, they aren't keeping it illegal because it is BAD FOR THE GENERAL HEALTH.
  6. #7 morefreedom, Nov 1, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 1, 2009
    It's to protect pharmecutical, timber, and DEA jobs.

    Do you really think they give a shit about addiction or public health? Alcohol, Tobacco, and pharmaceuticals are all 5x more harmful and legal. Government caring for my health, hahahaha what a hoot!

    Marajuna has never hurt anybody, the drug war has hurt everybody.
  7. As stated before it is all about money and control. Hemp can be produced by anyone, relatively easily, there in lies the danger. Why would the pharmaceutical companies want people to be able to make their own panacea medicine? When instead you have to go to a doctor first, pay him, then go to the pharmacy, pay them, then pay for being sick with the side effects of the medicine. With hemp, we no longer need them, and they no longer make money...
  8. This is what they fear, loss of power and control. The public is slowly starting to see past the lies and betrayal though. I just hope the awakening to the bullshit comes at a faster pace so less people are harmed as a result of prohibition.

    Prohibitionists claim they are trying to help people. What they are doing however, is far worse than what any drugs could do to people. Prison. Where real criminals are made.
  9. What do you mean by illegal for a reason? There is a REASON for everything. Just because there is a reason doesnt mean its a legitimate reason.
  10. I didnt read the rest of the posts but littlefoots sig is right. Its not a drug war, its a culture war
  11. Everything is about money.
  12. All this stuff adds up to a bigger picture. I fear there won't ever be enough people to make a true difference even if the public could make a decent stand there would probably just be another 9/11 or something and everyone would play ball again. I try to stay optimistic but a lot of things look pretty shitty :(
  13. You'd be surprised at the amount of people who believe in legalization. Most are afraid to speak out against it though to cover their own hide.

    The whole situation is fucked, it just needs to end already.
  14. I thought the answer was pretty obvious.
    If they weren't it would be legal by now. Common knowledge.
  15. obviously. There's a reason behind every action.

  16. U.S. Support for Legalizing Marijuana Reaches New High
  17. one time when i was high i came up with another stoner theory about all this...

    the government keeps it illegal so it can profit from the black market value for weed. if weed were legal that would mean two things:

    1. It would become cheaper. there would be no risk in growing/selling it, and the sheer number of new growers/distributors that would spring up would drive the supply sky high, and bring prices down.

    2. The government wouldn't be able to raid the marijuana dealers/growers and take their drugs AND money.

    yes, money. they take your dirty drug money.

    yes, the gov could make lots of money taxing weed, but it could very well be possible that they make more money by keeping it illegal and confiscating your drugs and money. for every couple hundreds of pounds of weed that are confiscated, if our gov. is doing a good job they'll find the couple hundreds of thousands of dollars that paid for it and take it.
  18. An obvious answer that seems to have been omitted is that their are a lot of cops, lawyers, judges, parole officers, prison guards, etc etc.. that depend on these cases for their livelihood.
    Before you jump on big business... have a look at the lawyers. They are freakin outta control!!
  19. Well, a lot can be said about the illegalization of marijuana, or actually its true name : cannabis-

    But it can be summed up into a few words The Almighty Dollar.

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