Do you think it's more gross...

Discussion in 'General' started by smokeRises, Dec 8, 2010.

  1. To not shower or not brush your teeth?
  2. depends if it's a girl and what hole im sticking it in..

    but seriously, I hate not brushing my teeth. I can go without showering for a day or so but I always have to brush twice a day like a good boy.
  3. Not brushing my teeth seems more gross. I can't stand that taste and feeling of a dirty mouth.
  4. I don't think either one is really bad.

    As long as your healthy your mouth and your body should never get too "gross".
  5. I think not showering is worse
  6. Im not a stinker if I dont shower for 1-2 days. but if I dont brush my teeth, i cant even stand it...:D
  7. Not showering is probably more difficult to get away with i would think.
  8. I skip showers sometimes but not brushing your teeth is awful. All that bacteria in your mouth after sleeping is just blech.
  9. well....not showing usually just leads to getting dirty and smelling, not brushing your teeth can give you mad diseases and shit...let alone body oder IMO doesnt smell ANYWHERE near as bad as rank ass fucking breath.... there are exceptions, but for the most part i think a dirty mouth is just fucking unsanitary.... you swallow all the nasty shit in there..... oral infections have very easy access to the brain.....
  10. Not showering you can get away with here and there, maybe a couple days too.

    But not brushing your teeth?

    Enjoy your breakfast after you wake up. :eek:
  11. I can go without showering for a day or two, especially if i don't do much athletic-wise during that time. However, if i go more than like 18 hours without brushing my teeth i start to feel gross.
  12. whaaaaaaaaaaat? not brushing your teeth is way worse imo
  13. Both...but I picked showering.

    I know this guy that doesn't shower everyday and doesn't use soap in the shower. No wonder he hasn't had sex in 7 years :rolleyes:
  14. I would have to say teeth
  15. I picked brushing teeth, if i didn't do any for a day or two i would brush my teeth before taking a shower.
  16. ..wut?

    If you dont use soap then what is the point? Just....getting wet then drying yourself?

  17. "hey man im going to go get naked in my rain simulator" lol thats what a shower with soap is imo...if you arent showering...your just standing in wannabe rain...naked....

  18. Lol!

    I would think both are pretty gross, but I'd rather have a clean mouth
    I guess. But fuck it, I'm off to take a shower and brush my teeth like
    right fucking now.
    Pearly Whites...

  19. I know man, I know. I tell him this, he doesn't care. He says he gets boils from it :confused:

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