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Do you smoke daily? Daily Smoker Questionaire!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Muffinzs, Dec 28, 2012.

  1. #1 Muffinzs, Dec 28, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2012
    I smoke daily and wonder how other people who smoke daily are affected

    1.How do you smoke? ---I take bongs after i do things around my house and ect. Bongs always happen from waking up to sleep and when i want to get "high" i smoke a blunt

    2.Do you feel high when you smoke daily? ---I always feel "high" so the feeling has very little value to me now

    3.Do you get random head rushes? ---No matter how long i stop smoking for within a month of my last bong i always will get head rushes, weather its in the shower when i wash my face or after napping and jumping up really fast. They are cool so i dont mind

    4.Do you only session with friends? ---I only session with friends and never pack bowls bigger then one hit

    5.How long do you Tbreak? --- I tbreak for a week when i do

    EDIT: By session i mean do you take a 100 sack and face it every once and a while or do you always just conserve instead of bingeing a session

  2. Tbreak? What's that? :p
  3. 1. My buddie and I always smoke a blunt at the end of the night and end it off with a couple bongs, but alot of my friends hit bongs.

    2. I feel buzzed out sometimes but it's nothing to bad. Just try to catch yourself and you'll be fine.

    3. No head rushes.

    4. I smoke with my friends and I also smoke alone. I like both

    5. Haven't had a tbreak.
  4. 1: I smoke daily, always in my backyard with bongs.

    2: Yes, I get stoned still. I know what you mean though, I seem to always feel "buzzed" now.

    3: Not that I know of haha

    4: I smoke by myself most of the time, but I still smoke with my friends.

    5: A week works perfect for me. :)
  5. 1. Smoke daily, almost always out of a spoon. I want to buy a bong but have no place for it ATM. I smoke a joint once or twice a week.

    2. My first high of the day is always the kicker that gets me going. Afterwards I have to smoke a lot more to get that same high feeling.

    3. I get them usually when I stand up quickly after doing something. Then I go blind temporarily, lose balance for a second, then it all comes rushing back and I'm normal again.

    4. I almost always smoke by myself. I have some family that comes over and takes a few tokes with me sometimes, but 9/10 times I'm by myself.

    5. I only t-break when I'm out of weed or on vacation like this past week. So just until I can get high again. IMO they are not worth it.
  7. 1. I smoke a bowl in the morning before work, a bowl at lunch, and a bowl when i get off. I rarely smoke joints or blunts unless im with other people. And i probably smoke 2 or 3 more bowls/bongs between the time i get off to when i go to bed, depending on who i hang out with.

    2. I definitely always feel high. I get giggly and shit. Unless im at work, i can control it if i have to. If it doesnt do anything for you anymore you should take a month off.

    3. No

    4. Nope ill chief alone and with friends. All day everyday(everyday i can lol)

    5. I dont take breaks. I sometimes slow down to where i only smoke w friends or before i go to bed or something like that. And every once in awhile i just dont have weed or my minds preoccupied by something else and i just dont smoke.
  8. #8 9D3, Dec 28, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2012
    1. My main method is a glass spoon. Sometimes I'll use a bong, but 90% of the time it's the spoon.

    2. I feel high when I'm high - pretty clear when I'm not high. The only time I feel hazy is when I fall asleep at 4am just after eating a bag of chips.

    3. I think I know what you mean. On occasion, but not often and it doesn't really cause any issues.

    4. I smoke by myself, with friends, whoever feels like it really. Doesn't matter, but it's more fun with some friends.

    5. I don't t-break.

    edit: I should mention that I smoke daily, but not all day. Usually smoke a pipe bowl 4 hours before work (gives it time to fully wear off), and right after :p I don't like being high at work.
  9. [quote name='"Muffinzs"']I smoke daily and wonder how other people who smoke daily are affected

    1.How do you smoke? ---I take bongs after i do things around my house and ect. Bongs always happen from waking up to sleep and when i want to get "high" i smoke a blunt

    2.Do you feel high when you smoke daily? ---I always feel "high" so the feeling has very little value to me now

    3.Do you get random head rushes? ---No matter how long i stop smoking for within a month of my last bong i always will get head rushes, weather its in the shower when i wash my face or after napping and jumping up really fast. They are cool so i dont mind

    4.Do you only session with friends? ---I only session with friends and never pack bowls bigger then one hit

    5.How long do you Tbreak? --- I tbreak for a week when i do[/quote]

    1. I like to keep my bong around, but if I can, I will roll a joint.

    2. First hit I get stoned. Around noon I will pack another bowl. After that I only feel buzzed.

    3. Never had this problem.

    4. The only person I sesh with is my gf. I usually drink with my buddies.

    5.I'm not a fan of tbreaks.

    At work everyone is high so I never worry about it.
  10. 1. How do you smoke? I smoke out a pipe usually but sometimes blunts.

    2. Do you feel high when you smoke daily? Of course. If I didn't then why would I smoke?

    3. Do you get random head rushes? Nope. Never did.

    4. Do you only session with friends? I do mostly by myself nowadays.

    5. How long do you Tbreak? Once a month I take a 3-7 day break.
  11. 1. My spoon half the time, blunts the other half.
    2. I definitely can tell whether or not I recently smoked, but I do feel at least semi-buzzed most of the time.
    3.Yeah, not too often though.
    4. I session with whoever I'm with, if it's no one... More pot for me.
    5. Only t-break if I run out.
  12. 1. It just depends on the mood I'm in. My favorite way is just Sittin back, twisting up a blunt or a joint, and smoking it. I like bongs, bubblers, pipes.. Etc. I feel I'm more of a connisour of smoking weed. I don't know how people "only" take bong hits or "only" smoke out of a pipe.

    2. Some days I really feel it and other days I feel like I've just been high all day.

    3. Not really.. down with whoever. I'm not stingy with my weed. More the merrier man!

    5. I also only tbreak when I run out. So maybe a day or two. No longer than like 3 days. MAX.
  13. 1.How do you smoke? Bong
    2.Do you feel high when you smoke daily? Yes but not like before.

    3.Do you get random head rushes? Not really sure what this means so I guess no.

    4.Do you only session with friends? Hellll no.

    5.How long do you Tbreak? My only t-break will be when I'm pushing up daisies.
  14. 1. Mostly vape, but also bong and sometimes I use my good ol wooden pipe!
    2. Sure, I'm kind of a low tolenrance type of person so I always get hiiiiigh. Not the same high as before though because you got used to be high all the time.
    3. That happened like once to me.... so no.
    4. Sure but not really often.

    Cool thread man!
  15. #15 weedshallbefree, Dec 29, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 29, 2012
    1.My stoner rule to manage real life and still being able to smoke 1 oz /week all my life

    I dont smoke the first hour im up then i smoke as much as i want
    i stop smoking 4 hour before i go to sleep (to prevent having sleeping issue like my dad who smoke for more than 30 year , hes not able to sleep whitout it now and i was starting to be like that). Finally i must have completed all the things that require me to have 2 eyes who can stare in the same direction.

    ** I Mostly smoke join or spliff ,occasionaly blunt or mini- glass hookah

    2.Do you feel high when you smoke daily? Yes if not why would i?? :p probly missed only 2-3 day for 5 years now

    3.Do you get random head rushes? what do you mean like pain ? no. Felling lost ? Well i smoke my ass up all day so much i could forget where my head is I LIKE

    4.Do you only session with friends? when i'm whit them but but i smoke mostly at home by myself

    5.How long do you Tbreak? only the essential from age 0 to 17, when sleeping , at my funerals
  16. too many questions man what you turned states evidence?
  17. I smoke multiple times a day, it just gets me in the zone, the only time I get real baked is when I do dabs or when I have an all out smoke session with my boys. Its more habitual then trying to get out of my mind, helps the stress and stomach pain.

  18. 1. i normally smoked joints followed by blunts followed by gravity bongs.
    2. no i wasnt getting high before probation when i was smoking every day. after im planning on getting toasted and not smoking every day.
    3. when i had a low tolerance yes i would feel a full blown high the day after i smoked
    4. no i like both kinda leaning towards alone. so many stupid people and ones that dont wanna ever chip in.
    5. well when i was smoking daily the weed was free so no t breaks.

    I smoked every day for about 4 months free weed.

  19. 1) Glass or papers. Just recently started getting into joints, really liking them now. Or my waterfall, but I use a slide with that so it's kind of glass lol.

    2) Yeah.

    3) Yeah, but I've been getting those since I was a kid. The doctor mumbled something about my blood pressure. What does that guy know?

    4) Actually, I like to smoke alone. Living in a non medical state, I find that a lot of people around me smoke to be cool. I dislike that. There are some people I do like to smoke with though, so I would say it's like 70/30.

    5) What's a T-Break? :bongin:
  20. 1.How do you smoke? glass, preferably bong but mostly pyrx. Sometimes blunts or jays

    2.Do you feel high when you smoke daily? Right after I smoke for the normal amount of time then its more of a constant limbo feeling going down

    3.Do you get random head rushes? Not often enough to remember, like once every month or when i crash bad boarding

    4.Do you only session with friends? solo shesh often enough

    5.How long do you Tbreak? month if srs or week if ftl

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